Chapter 5: A Titanic Death

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Voice cast:

Steve Yuen as Derik
Alice Lee as Nicole
Jace Norman as Galen
Max Charles as Liuer
David Jason as Yar
Frank Welker as Barlow

Another day in the world of Primatia and the region where Hathor was settled in was besieged by one of the worst rainstorms that its residents had ever seen. It was raining so hard that trees were being pulled out of the ground and were sent flying for miles. No one would dare to travel in this weather.

But something did dare.

As the rain came thundering down onto the ground and the sound of each raindrop landing together would have made it hard for anyone to hear what was around them, the ground started to rumble. It would fall silent for a moment before it rumbled again. Then the jungle floor started shaking from the massive and heavy feet that were stomping on the ground. Along with that footsteps came the trees being toppled over and crashing down onto the ground, as a herd of massive mammals came marching through the forest.

These were Titanophants—one of the largest land mammals in Primatia.

Larger than most elephants at around 35 to 45 feet tall, these beast were gray in color, had long, thick legs, a long trunk and small ears similar to an Indian elephant. Both males and females had a set of four to six tusks, similar to the prehistoric elephant Stegotetrabelodon.

 Both males and females had a set of four to six tusks, similar to the prehistoric elephant Stegotetrabelodon

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These titans marched through the wet woodlands as the rain came down on them. Nothing was slowing them down or was going to get in the way of their migration, not even the monsoon that was hitting their tough skin.

But not all of them were together.

Behind the herd was an older male that was struggling to keep up. Its hide was bearing scars, it's tusks having cracks and chips in them and had a lighter skin tone. Most noticeably, it was missing its right upper tusk, which was possibly lost due to a past battle. This male Titanophant was one of the oldest members of the herd, and the journey this year has taken its toll on the creature.

As the herd continued ahead, it disappeared in the shower of water. Leaving the old male alone. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath before bellowing out a trumpeting cry for the others. But they could not hear him. Again he tried. This time louder. But once again, the other Titanophants couldn't hear him.

He continued calling out for his herd. Trumpeting like an African Elephant.

But they weren't coming back for him. And it would be the last they'll ever see him again.

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