Chapter 8

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Ingeld tried to concentrate on the string of light stretched before him, where it would lead to the Alpha Dubhe God Robe. The faster he got there, the better.

After the death of the previous god warriors, Hilda had ordered their god robes to be put away in their original place — which, namely, was under their respective stars. Ingeld had gritted his teeth and vowed in his heart as he watched the black twin-headed dragon armor being carried away from Valhalla.

That day, he swore that he would not let Siegfierd down.

Sigmund, after being freed from the dungeon, was most upset at knowing that Siegfierd had met his end during his imprisonment. But the god warrior later turned to Ingeld, and although he never said so, Ingeld knew that he silently promised to Siegfierd to finish what he had started.

To make Ingeld his successor.


He suddenly detected a presence behind him. Not only that, the presence had a cosmo that was as formidable as the legendary sea dragon.

"Dragon's Great Flood!!"

Ingeld immediately swung around and retaliated with his own fist stretched out.

"Dragon's Bravest Blizzard!!"

The impact of the two blows shook the ground near them, and Ingeld skidded backwards on the impact.

He looked up.

A Mariner had stood up from kneeling after the blow. The Mariner looked at Ingeld sharply.

"Hm. Nice attack. Quite the suitable opponent for a powerful Mariner like me, Leviathan Zane."

Ingeld thought for a moment. If he was stuck here in a battle with Zane, he would never reach his god robe in time. But he couldn't very well go with Zane trailing behind him and learning the location of the Robe.

Which means there is only one option. Defeat the mariner as fast as he could.

With that in mind, Ingeld concentrated his cosmo in his right fist as he charged forward.

Zane smirked at him, and leapt up as Ingeld's attack hit the ground where he was previously standing, sending up snow into the air.

Zane landed not far, avoiding the next blow as Ingeld continued to attack him relentlessly.

"I'm getting my revenge for you damn Mariners. Especially you, the Tyrant of the North Atlantic Ocean! You were the one who killed my master, Siegfierd!"

Zane gave him a perplexed look as he parried off Ingeld's fist, "What are you talking about?"

"What a liar you are. You were the one who fooled Poseidon, and influenced him to take control of Asgard so that you can regain control of both land and ocean!"

"Don't be silly. I have stood by Poseidon's side for centuries after centuries.Why, even during the eight century, I was the only Marine General who stood by Poseidon when the troops of the underworld came to Atlantis — I still remember that day, Poseidon...was my very own sister...," Zane looked strangely sober as he recalled the memories inherited to him, but his eyes still burned with the same fire that lived for numerous holy wars. "There is now way I would have fooled Lord Poseidon for my own advantage!"

Zane summoned his cosmo, which was collected in the form of a dragon – but this was made entirely out of water. The dragon charged forward, and the impact made Ingeld felt as if he had been struck down by a crashing wave.

Ingeld struggled to stand.

"My master was killed because Poseidon was influenced by his marine general and tried to control Asgard! Isn't that proof enough?!"

Zane hesitated, and finally nodded.

"Ah...Something just occurred to me," He said. "Sorrento ever told me about a 'fake mariner' —was a saint in disguise, if I'm not mistaken— and he used Lord Poseidon as a puppet, causing Poseidon's awakening to be interrupted."

Zane looked Ingeld in the eye, "I am not the same person as him. I inherit all memories of the North Atlantic's Tyrant...but not his. That means he was never a mariner!"

Ingeld paused, rather taken aback by what Zane had just said, but that doesn't mean that he would go easy on Zane.

Inged pointed at the ground beneath Zane's feet. A moment later, the ground blew up. Zane leapt, alarmed.

"Odin's sword!"

Ingeld continued to trace the ground, following wherever Zane went, and each time the ground erupted beneath him.

"The F–!!"

Zane swore, as the snow went up in the air from the attacks. When it settled, Ingeld had rushed as fast as he could, trying to reach the Alpha God robe.

Zane chased after him, furious more than ever.


If Lyfia had the chance, she would have chosen to be anywhere but in the middle of the altar during this exact moment. Not only did she have to concentrate on her prayer as chaos broke all around her, she could hear Frodi's voice as he battled against Poseidon with his three comrades.

She wished she could shut the noise around her.

Right behind Lyfia, Hilda was swinging her spear furiously, missing Tethys narrowly each time. The Valkyrie did not allow Thetys to go near Lyfia at all.


Thethys ducked, as the pitch black point nearly hit her forehead. She moved back out of reach.

"You truly are a Valkyrie," the mermaid remarked, but she only earned a scowl from Hilda.

"Shut up, I don't need your talks."

"No need to be so sullen!"

"Your god has brainwashed me and tried to make me destroy Asgard with own hands! Do you think I will forgive him?!"

Tethys had nothing to say to this, and Hilda lunged forward stabbing her spear and swinging it sidewards.

Lyfia prompted herself to concentrate. She wanted to kneel down and weep. She'd forgotten how she managed to handle the situation during the battle against Loki. But she must lose her concentration now. If she did...

Lyfia heard Frodi shout and a sharp noise of his sword splitting the air.


聖闘士星矢 : Invasion of the SeaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora