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Mikuru : Alrightt!! It's time for Chapter 3!! Don't forget your comments, ok?


Ingeld and Yngvi tore all the way from the village to the Valhalla Palace the moment they saw the ocean blowing up. Even from a distance, they could feel a formidable cosmo radiating from the ocean that told them without words that the matter was serious.

"What in Odin's name is happening?!" Complained Yngvi, as they raced up the stairs to reach the front doors of Valhalla.

Ingeld said nothing as they reached the final flight of stairs. There, they met the twin God Warriors, Narfe and Vale.

"We heard an explosion from the castle," Narfe, the older between them, explained. "And we came to see if anything's alright."

"It's obviously not," Ingeld said grimly.

Vale climbed over the railing to peer over at the ocean beyond the altar of Odin, "Something's happening over there. We've got to check it out."


Now that the ceremony was interrupted, everyone abandoned their formality and glanced over to see what's happening at the coast of Asgard.

Poseidon stared at them back, the sky behind him shone with radiance known as the light of the sea god, and the waves rolled around below his chariot.

And now that Frodi had a proper chance to observe carefully, he saw that–apart from Poseidon standing in the center of the landscape, there were seven more figures on his left and right side, each standing atop a pillar of water.

Then, on the corner of his eye, Frodi saw a lone figure approaching them. It seems to be a girl, and she leapt and landed gracefully on one of the glaciers floating on the ocean.The girl looked up and gave the gesture for them to come down to her.

"We'll be back in a minute," Sigmund told Frodi as he raced down with Surt and Hercules to meet the newcomer. "You guard Lyfia, Hilda, and the others."

They went down, all while keeping an eye on Poseidon and his mysterious comrades, but they apparently didn't do anything except to watch them back. When they reached the glacier, the God Warriors found that it was much more dangerous there since the Sea God was looming right behind the messenger and therefore could vaporize them whenever he wished.

"Greetings, the God Warriors of Asgard," the blonde-haired girl said. "My name is Mermaid Thetis, Poseidon's Mariner, and I'd like to give you our lord's message."

"What does he want?" Surt spat.

"He wants to reclaim his territory, and I'm afraid that you are in his way," Thetis explained.

"His territory? This is our land!" Hercules said angrily.

"Your land, huh?" Poseidon apparently was listening to their conversation. He raised his Trident, and threw it at the land. When the trident hit,there was a noise like shattering glass as the ice cracked and the ocean underneath shot up like a geyser . Poseidon raised his hand again and the trident flew back to him.

Poseidon turned back to them, "Your so-called land is nothing more than a frozen sea. And the sea is my territory."

"How dare you say that!"

Hercules had lunged forward with his Mjolnir about to strike, but Thetis summoned vine-like corals that looped around his arms and feet, before it tossed him into the air. Hercules landed a second later not far behind them.

"Hercules!" Surt cried in surprise.

"Hmph, is that the quality of a God Warrior? How pitiful."

"Who's that!?"

One of the mysterious people standing atop the aquatic pillar lowered himself down so that he could talk to them face to face. He gave them a malicious grin, "Crysaor Satoru, the Mariner of the Indian Sea."

Sigmund, hearing this, immediately glanced towards the Satoru comrades, who were on their respective pillars of water–his eyes quickly scanned one general after another, and he found what he was looking for.

Siren Sorrento, the general who caused Siegfried's death.

"You!" Sigmund yelled at him. "I know you!"

Sorento gave no response.

"You were that cursed Mariner who caused my brother Siegfried's death! And you came back with your lord to invade Asgard again? I, Sigmund, shall kill you in honor of my brother!"

Sorento lowered his eyes, "Looks like you're much more blunt than your brother. Siegfried can do more than just yell at me from down there."

"What did you say?!"

Just as Sigmund finished saying that, he heard the low hum of a spell behind him. Everyone, God Warriors and Mariners alike, turned to see where it came from.

And on the cliff, shining above the statue of Odin, was the symbol of the Seven Stars–Alpha Dubhe, Beta Merak, Gamma Phecda, Delta Megrez, Epsilon Alioth, Zeta Mizar and Alcor, and Eta Benetnash.

Poseidon glared at the symbol, "They're off to find the Odin Robe! Stop them!"

And so, his Marine Shoguns charged forward.

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