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Author's pov

Another warm day and Taehyung is off to the rivers to fetch a bucket of fresh cold water for drinking. He has been working since morning and it's noon , the sun is above the head and shining a little too brightly and what's better than to drink some cold fresh water in this hot weather

When taehyung reached the river he sighed as the tall dense trees were providing great shadow which were of course cool. Now these are the things for which he is thankful to the father

Taehyung sat under one of the trees and let his worked out muscles to rest. He sighed again and closed his eyes, loving the cool shade and calm noise of water currents. Soon enough taehyung drifted to sleep without his knowledge

When Taehyung woke up it was already evening and the sky was littered with streaks of red , orange and purple. Taehyung groaned before rubbing his eyes to remove the leftover sleep before his eyes fell on the figure inside the river

Taehyung blinked his eyes multiple times as to confirm if whatever he saw was correct or not because he just now saw a figure disappearing into the river and then it clicked that there is a portal in the river

Sighing again taehyung stood up and filled his earthen pot with water before walking back to his house completely obvious to the black eyes following his every movement before disappearing as soon as he left the river bank

"Taehyung, can you do me a favour?" Hoseok asked with an apologetic smile and an earthen pot in his hand

"What?" Taehyung asked as he stood up after dusting off his hands and his mouth. He was just eating an apple

"Can you go and bring some water from the river? The one you brought in the evening had a hole and all the water had drained out" hoseok said in which taehyung groaned before nodding his head.

"Thank you" Taehyung took the pot and shook his head as if telling hoseok to not thank him before walking out of the hut to fetch some water

Night walks are very satisfying. Even if it's a little creepy to walk all alone and then cross the woods to reach the river, Taehyung enjoys the sound of nature. Ever since Taehyung had known to understand things he was never afraid of anything leaving apart the demons. It's not that he is scared of them , it's just their appearance which scares him slightly neither he is not afraid of anything

As taehyung walked through the woods he heard many different voices and saw many shining eyes which were of owls and nocturnal animals or those animals which are out for hunting. One thing everyone should know , until and unless you harm any wild life or they don't sense any danger from you they do not attack

Minding his own business, Taehyung walked up to the river and crouched down to fill the pot with water. He checked it multiple time if there is any hole in it or not before standing up but felt his heart jumping out from his rib cage when he saw a godly handsome man emerging from the river

With wide eyes Taehyung stared at the man who checked him out before walking towards the bank. The pot almost slipped out of taehyung's hands when the man neared him but he composed himself and bowed before turning around to leave

"Wait!" Taehyung stopped on his tracks when he heard the deep yet sweet voice of the man. He feared if the man could hear how loud his heart is beating right now

Taehyung slowly turned around , gulping his spit as he looked at the man with a stunning body now out of the water. Taehyung mentally cursed himself for eyeing the handsome man's packed muscles for too long

"You are different" the man said catching taehyung's attention who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"I mean for a fallen angel you have quite a….. corrupted mind" the man said causing taehyung to just roll his eyes. Taehyung turned on his heels before starting to walk , completely ignoring the calls of the man until he felt the man behind him and touching his shoulder

Taehyung's eyes widened comically as he jumped on his track when he felt a current run throughout his body just by a mere touch of the man. Turning around with his same wide eyes taehyung stared at the man who had the same expression but now his eyes were pitch black (from iris to cornea) with a red ring around his iris

The DEVIL!!!!

Taehyung stared at the devil who was staring at him as well. Gulping hard, Taehyung turned around and quickly started walking back to his house. Even if he is not scared of anything but he can't stay around the king of the underworld. THE DEVIL HIMSELF! But the question is- what is the devil doing here? And why was a red ring around the devil's iris?


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And abt voting. Many readers are afraid of getting judged. Let me remind you , i haven't seen any of my readers saying bad words to the readers who have commented. Most of my readers are very friendly and playfull. You do not need to get worried abt it

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