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Author's pov

The crowning ceremony was held on the same day as the wedding of the pair. Dunno why but the seven archangels where ordered by the almighty to attend the ceremony and taehyung didn't left a single chance to taunt them

The five ministers of jungkook's court where trying their best to not upset the queen more than he already is on them. Taehyung surely adorned his black dress perfectly and that crown just increased his beauty more. Oh how much jungkook wants to just go back to their chamber and fuck his newly wedded wife senseless

The ceremony and the feast at last ended and the newly wedded couple were found rushing into their chamber as soon as all the guests left

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The ceremony and the feast at last ended and the newly wedded couple were found rushing into their chamber as soon as all the guests left. There wasn't many people just jungkook and taehyung's half brothers and sisters from heaven and demon citizens along with the ministers of the court and the seven archangels

As soon as the couple reached their room they first kissed each other and slammed the door closed at all our faces. The show has ended and its a cue for all of us to leave and give the newly wedded some privacy on their first night…

In the morning the couple woke up a little late than usual. I mean, last night was quite exhausting for them so it's obvious that they were exhausted and slept more. Waking up , jungkook being the perfect husband helped his wife to clean up and helped him dress up as well before himself dressing up and then leaving for having breakfast together and then handling court matters

Like this years went by with the King of underworld and his wife ruling side to side and giving true justice to the tainted souls. After ten years the queen of underworld was pregnant with the king's first child

The news of the king of underworld having his heir spread like a wildfire. Everyone where actually anticipating the arrival of the baby the queen was carrying while a certain nymph was quiet enraged and to the fact that she can't even enter the underworld

So she decided to visit underworld on the birth of the heir of the king. That day all the demon guards will be off to get a glance of their prince or princess and that would be a great chance for her to get inside HELL

One day---

A heavily taehyung and his minions Mammon and Leviathan are roaming around in the garden behind the palace with him , with a plate of watermelon and strawberries in either of their hands

"Your highness" mammon called Taehyung while forwarding the plate of watermelon to him

"Hmm" Taehyung hummed as he took a peice of watermelon and munched on it with one hand on his belly

"Before being a fallen angel , which angel were you? Like water , fire , air" mammon asked blinking his eyes as he looked at taehyung's side profile

"What was your name again? I only remember you as mammon" taehyung asked as he spitted the seeds and kept it on the plate

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