<<<->>> Home sweet home <<<->>>

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^^ room map and time table

I gripped a massive box as we walked into the my dorm house. Winchester hall.
"Hello! You must be Aella!" A blonde haired woman told me with a smile.
"Hey!" My parents told the lady smiling.
"Your the first person here, your roomie is coming in an hour. I'll help you get settled in. Any way my name is Beatrix but you can call me Bee." Bee told me.
"Well, we gotta go! See ya honey" my mum told me pulling me into a hug. I frowned.
"Aren't you even gonna help me unpack"I ask trying not to cry.
"We gotta go. Bye Aella." My dad told me walking away. My mum pulled me into a hug once more. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked off.
"Well, I'll help you carry your stuff Aella." Bee told me picking up some boxes. We walked over to a door with the number 28 on it.
"Here's your key." She handed it to me and jammed her set of keys into the door and it flung open.

"This. Is. Nice." I told Bee. Bee smiled and placed the boxes down. The room was massive with light yellow walls and a dark wood floor.
"Now ready for the rules" Bee told me.
"Nope," I groaned rolling my eyes. Bee laughed.
"So, No Boys in your dorm without permission. Be in bed by 10:30pm. On Friday and Saturday nights bed time is pushed to 11:30pm. Only foods you can cook in your dorm is popcorn, and campus approved food. If you wanna cook something else tell me and I'll help in the shared kitchen." Bee told me.
"Lost of rules." I groaned. Bee gave me a smile and a friendly nod.
"Now your schedule." Bee told me. "Here's a copy"
I looked over it and grinned as she closed the door and left

A/N sorry it's short and boring

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