As you finished your meal, Black promptly appeared at the door to collect the empty dishes. Instantly, your tension heightened, and you kept a wary eye on him. "Tch, you devoured that rather quickly, mortal," Black remarked, prompting a nonchalant shrug from you. "If I hadn't been hungry, I wouldn't have touched it. You're a terrible cook," you retorted, causing Black to glare in response. "If you believe you can cook better, mortal, then feel free to prepare a feast," he taunted, a sneer playing on his lips. Both of you were acutely aware that neither trusted the other enough to refrain from resorting to violence if given the opportunity. And you should be doing just that.

"Why bother feeding me? Why go against your own nature, imposter?" you cautiously inquired, your wariness evident.

Black's smirk seemed to widen. "Imposter? This body is Son Goku, whom you seem to be rather attached to. Do you miss the usual mortal behavior from this vessel?" he questioned, his gaze fixed on you. You scoffed in response. "As if I could ever love a mere copy with such a twisted mindset. You and Goku are nothing alike," you growled, your voice laced with disdain.

Black glances at you, his gaze filled with intrigue as he assesses your appearance in his clothes. "You look rather fetching in my attire, mortal," he taunts, causing anger to surge through you. "Fuck you," you retort angrily, your face burning with fury. Black's smirk only widens. "Soon enough," he replies, his words dripping with a disturbing implication. Shocked and appalled, you grab a nearby pillow and hurl it at him. He stares at you in disbelief before his expression twists into anger, swiftly advancing towards you and gripping your wrist tightly. You wince, lacking the strength to fight back against him fully, as he glares at you with intensity. "Perhaps it would be better to let you meet your demise," he snarls, his voice filled with venom. Meeting his gaze head-on, you return his glare. "Do us both a favor and perish," you snarl back, the air crackling with animosity between you. However, before the tension escalates further, Zamasu's voice resonates through the room. "If your repugnant mortal desires must be fulfilled, then kindly close the door," he interjects, his words dripping with disdain.

Black loosens his grip on your wrist momentarily, only to tighten it again, causing a surge of repulsed fear to course through you. Wide-eyed, you question him urgently, stumbling along behind him as he drags you out of the bedroom and down the hallway, eventually reaching the downstairs area. Without warning, Black abruptly halts, causing you to collide into his back before attempting to pull away once more.

"Stop squirming. You have a task to fulfill, mortal," Black declares suddenly, prompting you to look up at him in confusion. It dawns on you that you have been brought into a well-appointed kitchen, where raw meat and a basket of fresh vegetables are still waiting on the counter. You grimace, hoping that Black had merely been joking about you having to cook.

"Go ahead, prove your worth and prepare a feast," Black sneers, eliciting a growl of frustration from you as you forcefully tear your hand away from his grasp. "Fine, but in return, I demand my freedom if I manage to impress you," you assert, causing a dark grin to spread across Black's face. "Agreed. However, if you fail, you will be subjected to far more than just sleeping off your injuries," he retorts, his tone laced with a menacing undertone.

You intensify your glare at Black, contemplating your next move as you survey the kitchen. The plan forms in your mind - play nice, stall for time until the others can come to your rescue. With determination, you immerse yourself in the task of cooking, channeling your focus into preparing the meal. Unbeknownst to you, both men observe your culinary skills with surprise. However, deep down, this act only serves to further dampen your spirits. The sounds of your three children and Goku eagerly awaiting dinner echo in your mind, their laughter and innocent conversations warming your heart. You yearn for Goku's comforting embrace, his voice, his eyes. You long to return home.

But you refuse to shed tears in front of these two maniacs. You staunchly hold back your emotions, knowing that crying would only drain you further.

Once the food is ready, you place two plates on the small dining table, casting a disdainful gaze at the men. "You witnessed me cook, so you know it's safe," you assert, your voice laced with defiance.

Refusing to partake in the meal, you make your way back upstairs to the designated bedroom without any interference from the two men

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Refusing to partake in the meal, you make your way back upstairs to the designated bedroom without any interference from the two men. Closing the door behind you, you sink to your knees against the wall, leaning your head back as you struggle to hold back the tears welling up within you. The thought of escaping crosses your mind, but your weakened state prevents you from simply flying away. In fact, even climbing the stairs had depleted a significant portion of your already emaciated strength, a realization that frustrates you.

You convince yourself that you can endure a few more days, that you have to. Whimpering softly, you close your eyes, allowing the weight of your drained emotions to wash over you. You envision the bright eyes and happy smiles of Goten, Solara, and Gina, eagerly awaiting your return. The thought of Calalo, Ristetta, Bardock, Turles, and everyone else also fuels your determination. You must stay strong for them. You must find a way back.

The next thing you know, the enticing aroma of the untouched meal wafts under your nose, jolting you awake. Without a second thought, your primal need for sustenance takes over, and you quickly reach out to snatch the plate held out to you, driven by an overwhelming hunger.

Black observes you with a hungry gaze as you devour the food, his body slightly crouched in front of you. He is well aware of your emaciated state, but he is impressed by your resilience in enduring this long without proper nourishment, all while resisting him at every turn. He places a glass of water next to you, and you eagerly snatch it up, drinking it all in one go.

A smirk tugs at the corners of Black's lips, inwardly satisfied with this small victory. It is a reward, albeit a twisted one, after subjecting you to punishment. He takes note of the fact that you cooked the meal yourself but chose not to indulge in it despite your previous hunger. He is slowly breaking you, and he relishes in that realization.

In the days that follow, the cycle of rewards and punishments continues. You endure both psychological and physical torture, interspersed with brief moments of solace. Black keeps you forcibly awake through relentless sparring, only granting you ten minutes to nap, which becomes his favorite method of torment. With your limited food supply, you can only endure so much.

Suddenly, a voice calls out your name, breaking the monotony of your torment. "Y/N!" The cry is unexpected, jolting you from your current state as you're nowhere near the cabin, but instead having been taking a brutal beating somewhere near the ocean, still far away from the city and the cabin as well (Black made sure you still didn't know where it was located, having used instant transmission). Your eyes were wide as you staggered to your feet, black dots swirling around in your vision. You were already fading in and out, and you had tears in your eyes as you briefly registered seeing your saviors, before the heat and force of both men fighting Black caused you to finally give in to the darkness that swallowed you whole.

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