"What are you - hey! What are you doing?" The man hollered next to me. I felt the beast tense, close to crushing my hand beneath her jaws at the sudden noise. I continued petting the side of her face, appearing nonchalant.

"Relax, Mongrey," I said, keeping my voice low. "I will lop your head if you cost me my hand."

"I-" he paused, narrowing his eyes to get a better look at me. "Bounty hunter," he cursed. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to revise the contract you and the farmers gave me." I tilted my head, offering the gelbeast a calm smile. I could feel her muscles relax around my hand.

Mongrey snorted.

"Told ya last time. Carn is the one-"

"Carn doesn't listen to me," I interrupted. "Tell me, Mongrey, why do you think a nymph would steal a horse, of all things?"

"Because they're thieving, evil little demon spawn-" the stable master started, right as soon as the beast released my hand. Immediately, I grabbed my sword, turning on him with the tip barely inches from his throat. He stopped, eyes widening and struggling to comprehend what just happened.

"I killed a fifteen-year-old girl because you choose to remain in ignorance," I said. I was quiet enough to keep the rest of the world from hearing me, but from the way his body went leaden, he didn't need me to be much louder. "Do not test my patience."

"You won't kill me," he managed, his eyes never leaving the sword at his throat. "You'd get arrested. Tried."

"Look at me, Mongrey." When he was able to raise his eyes, I continued. "Do you think I give a damn what your law states?"

If he knew the order I served, I'd be in deep shit. But he didn't know, nor was I plan on telling him anytime soon.

Ultimately deciding that calling my bluff wasn't a good idea, the old man gradually raised his hands.

"Okay, huntress. No need to spill more blood."

I kept the sword where it was at a moment longer, just in case he didn't get the message that I was pissed.

"The nymph you had me kill was being controlled by a monster," I explained once I lowered my weapon, much to his relief. He rubbed his throat, furrowing his brow in thought. He didn't say anything, so I continued. "I have reason to suspect that she will unleash her wrath on outside the gates of Canden. I want to hunt her."

"Okay . . ." He said, as if he didn't quite understand where this was going.

"Carn. I'm not going to do it for free."

Watching the realization go to anger was almost as boring as watching tar dry.

"What - you know what it would do, and you're not-"

"Risking my life without charge? Of course not."

Mongrey's upper lip twitched.

"Maybe I should make something clear," I tried again. "I will kill this monster. The question is whether or not you will be alive when I do."

One moment. Two. Three . . .


I raised an eyebrow at this.


He shook his head, nose scrunched as if he just stepped in something foul.

"Go fuck yourself. Everyone knows Canden is untouchable. We even have the Reftin Circle watching over us." This last part was said as a threat, as if he thought I was someone they'd love to hang and gut. To confirm his statement, he gestured to Canden's walls. "They caught a man doing evil. He's set for an outsider's execution after the festival."

I stared at him, swallowing back the fury I could feel unfolding in my chest. I shifted my feet, glancing behind myself to peer up at the fort carved into the giant mountain.

"Very well," I finally said, gazing back up him. "Then I will take my leave. I suggest you head for the gates when you see smoke in the horizon. Good luck if it's already night."

I turned around to give the gelbeast a final pay, who snorted hot, warm air against my face. "I'll see you in a couple of days," I promised.

When Mongrey kept his mouth shut, I simply bent to pick up my pack and headed towards the trees. Craen had told me to stay in Canden.

Well, if I'm right, then she's about to deal with much bigger problems here in a couple of days. In fact, knowing Bonosoli, the runkin was most likely going to arrive around the same time as the nymphtan.

If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. If the nymphtan doesn't come, then I'll just head over to the smaller stretch of hills southeast from here to check out the fort, anyway. There was a series of villages scattered throughout the area. She might want to hit those areas, first, and then Canden. It's what a logical person might do if they meant to conquer. Leave no witnesses behind.

But people who followed literal devil equivalencies were not at all near logical. She'd be drawn to the ancient magics held up in Canden's mountain - and besides, this was where she had Igna steal the horses.

Therefore, I very much doubted the possibility of being wrong.

As I hid behind the cover of the sparse undergrowth and evergreen trees, I took the moment to glare up at the skies looming above me. I wondered if any of the gods were watching.

Nothing to do now but sit and wait.

~ 1599 Words ~

Heh, I'm honestly not sure how I'm gonna write the next few chapters 😅 But if y'all have any questions, feel free to ask :)

I'm also drafting out a glossary and character page that I'll publish once everything is written out, as this is the first draft and names (of creatures, at least) are likely to change, so hopefully that'll help clear some things up.

On Death's Honorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें