It's a moment, then the other two smile, chorusing, "Thank you."

"I love you guys too," Xara is saying through the comms then, "but can you guys help us out now?"

Peter 1 can't help but say, "Aren't you guys supposed to be helping us out?"

"Yeah, except right now we're doing more than you are. We've got Lizard incapacitated again, we just need the cure. Where did you put it– Ah, shit. He escaped again, never mind. But seriously guys, heart-to-heart time later!"

"Honestly," Lily adds. "You three are in possession of one brain cell and are passing it around like a hot potato."

As the Spider-Men finally jump back into action, seeing the calamity and chaos that ensued during their brief conversation, Xara takes charge again.

"Okay, guys! Because the Peters clearly have no clue what they're doing, I'll break it down for you! Maddy can't help with Sandman, webs aren't working on Electro, and Lily can't use physical contact on the Lizard! So here's what's gonna happen! Maddy, you and Lily take Electro! Peters, Sandman! Peter 3, you help me with the Lizard!"

"Yes, ma'am."

But even as they swing off on their own respective jobs, Peter 1 can't help but feel a surge of pride in his chest. Xara Connolly, the girl who used to be too shy to talk to Peter in the corridors or at prom, is here. Spider-Woman. Talking to people from other universes. Taking charge. Fighting villains.

Then it quickly gets replaced by guilt for putting her in this situation, where she's trying to fix his messes.

Meanwhile, Xara is completely oblivious to Peter's thoughts as she pays attention to Peter 3 instead, who webs her and swings her around, using the momentum to knock the Lizard backwards. It barely does anything, the creature getting up immediately and giving a toothy grin, making her gag. She thought perhaps the reptile thing would grow on her, but it did not.

It's then that she gets whacked by a large tail, going crashing straight against some of the construction. Peter 3's eyes widen, yelling over to her, "Oh my God are you okay?!"

"The cure!" she shouts back, no time for pleasantries or whatever else she can call it. Instead, she drags herself off the ground, shooting another web and rushing at the Lizard, dodging at the last second before giving a well-aimed punch.

Maddy doesn't seem to be having much better luck with Electro. He grabs her, throwing her straight into the way of an electricity blast, which she barely manages to avoid. She returns fire (quite literally) with a fireball, but he flips backwards.

She's a little out of breath when she lands back on the Statue of Liberty, but instead decides to use words.

"I feel sorry for you," she calls out, knowing that if Max doesn't do anything else, he listens. She holds her hands up, as if trying to suggest a truce. "I really do, Max. You lived with your sick mom and all you ever wanted was to be the son she wanted, but it wasn't enough. You did everything you could for her, tried to make her proud."

"Stop it," he snaps.

"And you just wanted to be important to someone. You wanted people to care, and I'm sorry we didn't."

But he's done listening, trying to shoot her again, and the chase begins once more. Even then, she's still yelling over to him. "Max, listen! This isn't the way. I made the same mistakes, I tried to get what I wanted and I used my powers to do it, but that's not how it works! There's another way!"

Somehow, a tinge of hopelessness forms in Max's voice. "What other way? How could I possibly change what happened? What I want?"

Madison gives a grimace. "Don't kill us, for one?"

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