CH 1

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"Mysteries" she announced earnestly. Her best friend looked at her puzzled, scoffed, and looked away into the orange sunset, The warm grass pressing against the side of his face. "What mysteries" Reeler asked unenthusiastically, his gaze still fixed on the citrus and gold painted sky of Golden Forest. A moment of silence lingered after the insincere question left his lips. He sighed. "Nay-" he turned his head but the empty space next to him silenced his words. Darting his eyes around, he could see only the sun-kissed, darkwood trees towering over him and the yellow-baked grass blowing faintly in the breeze. Her voice was now only the delicate singing of birds and forest beetles.

Nayme ventured into the forest, ducking under vines and stepping over colorful mushrooms and protruding tree roots, ignoring the walking trail that would bring her straight back into the village. The trail she took was one only she knew like the back of her hand. First the twisted tree with woodpecker holes, then the four mossy steppingstones, the half-rotted fence that sunk into the dirt, and lastly the sound of water hitting rocks in the distance. Following this familiar and reassuring sound for about a minute, she pushed a bundle of dark green vines out of the way to reveal a small, murky pond.

It was now getting late. "Nayme!" A deep voice echoed into the forest. The sun was beginning to fall behind the horizon and the once golden trees now started fading to deep olive green. Streetlamps and window candles now scattered the village in the distance across the river. "Nayme are you still here?! It's getting dark!" Stomping along the walking path, Reeler's patience was diminishing as he anticipated a response. Nayme was far too engrossed in her journal writing to realize the time. She hesitated in her writing for a moment when she heard a low, rumbled echo through the trees, but the small, glistening waterfall beside her spoke louder than Reeler did. A shiny, black lightning beetle landed softly on her feather pen, letting out a small, deep orange glow that illuminated the notebook in front of her for a moment. A slow, warm smile made its way across her face as she gently gazed at the creature, telling her it was time to go home.

ch 2

Everyone on Lechatelierite island felt at home. Everything worked in harmony and even the darkness felt safe. It's beautiful emerald fields of silky grass, wrapping around the colorful, vivacious farms full of delicious crops, complemented by the songs of the variety of mystical creatures that lived there. The mesmerizing wood and stone architecture of quaint little homes, shops and markets lined the beautiful island and is home to the few hundred village residents that resided peacefully there. Everyone had a place, all the butchers, librarians, shop owners, chefs, energy healers, and farmers kept the town running as it did daily. The Warriors of the Village didn't only protect it with their bodies and power, but their hearts and souls. The oldest and wisest man of the village, who lives in his own serenity in the moonlight baked peak of sapphire mountain, believes that the island has never seen such a balance of tranquility and life. Crystals are worshipped here. It is said that their powerful energy that extends to miles below the land protects them from evil, while preserving the complex and great history of the island. These scattered, magical and mysterious rocks that glow up the night are what make Lechatelierite island unlike any else. The reassurance of the tall darkwood trees agree, the comfort of the warm evening breeze agrees, the depth of the glistening blue water agrees, and the welcoming of the talkative beetles and birds agree. Nayme loved the village more than anything. every day felt like an adventure, especially with her two closest friends who were always by her side. Reeler, despite a tough and sometimes undecipherable exterior, was able to read nayme's complex personality inside and out. he never seems to listen but he always seems to remember. Nayme felt safe around him, not solely due to his size and strength, and she felt she could tell him anything- and she always had a lot on her mind. Hyde, younger than both of them, always brought something new and intriguing to their day. Spending most of his time in the sun, his lively and nostalgic presence warms the hearts of Nayme and Reeler, and while seemingly lacking, his true knowledge of the things he loves never fails to amaze his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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