39 || What have you done..?

360 33 2

Amato dearly misses his son. He missed his bright smile, his kind voice, his talkative attitude, he missed everything about his son

After he remarried, his 9 year old son was too attached to him. His son didn't seemed to be fond of Aeris, his second wife

But as time went on, boboiboy was slowly building a connection with her. It brought him temporary peace

After a couple of weeks, his work brought him sorrow as it forced him to leave his son and wife alone. He was worried, his wife after all was a little too strict with what she wants

But he trusts her nonetheless...


Amato stopped in front of a modern house in kota hilir. Smiling warmly at the nostalgic image of the house

He knocked three times on the door before opening it. The usually lively living room was dark. No one's watching television, and no toys are on the floor

Something was wrong...

"Aeris! Boboiboy!" Amato tried calling out, the gut retching feeling in his gut getting heavier evey second

He marched towards the kitchen. A wave of relief, as he saw the silhouette of his son sitting by the table

But, the heavy gut feeling didn't disappear. He slowly walked towards the table, creeping up behind his son

"Boi? You alright?" Amato asked carefully, his voice gentle, careful to not spook the boy

He walked around the chair his son has been sitting on, he's still perfectly still...

"Boi?" Amato called out again

Amato froze. His son's bright and cheerful hazel orbs were dull and just blank brown eyes...

His once infectious joyous smile, not present on his gentle features. "Boi! Are you alright? What's wrong?" Amato asked worrily. He held his son's hands as he knelt down in front of him

Boboiboy's head tilted. No sense of emotion or even confusion. The blank line on his mouth had no signs of moving as well

"Amato?" A voice called out as Amato heard the front door open

Amato hurriedly stood up, walking towards the living room whilst still holding boboiboy's hand to guide him to the living room as well

"Aeris! Something's wrong with boboiboy!" Amato worriedly explained as he let boboiboy sit down on the couch, his emotionless features remained unchanged

Aeris scoffed. "Don't worry" She casually replied as she took off her coat

"He talked too much so I got him lobotomized, now isn't he much more behave" Aeris cheered, clear proudness of her decision can be heard in her tone

Anger rose in Amato's veins. "You got him a lobotomy?!" Amato angrily yelled

Aeris rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What's wrong? It at least got him to shut his mouth" Aeris carelessly said

"Aeris, do you hear yourself?" Amato questioned while rubbing the bridge of his nose, restraining himself from doing something unreversable

"Everything that came from his mouth was useless anyway" She simply added, as if she didn't do anything wrong

'Useless...?' That very word filled his mind. His son wasn't useless

Memories of everything boboiboy sweetly and cutely said to him played in his mind like a movie

"Get out." Amato sternly said, his tone having no space for argument

Aeris felt offended. "What?!" Aeris retorted

"Just. Get. Out." Amato said. Each word emphasizing his anger. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves down a bit

"I'll mail you the divorce papers as soon as possible. And please, don't ever contact me or my family again" Amato huffed. His decision was final

Aeris scoffed. "Fine." She angrily replied. "You don't know what you just lost." She angrily stated as she stormed out of the house

Amato just stood there. He didn't care if he looses her. She was selfish. He turned to his son who tilted his head in response

Still no sign of any emotions...

He slowly walked towards his son, sitting besides him on the couch. Holding his hand with the urge to find a sense of warmth that he missed

Boboiboy just stared at his father. His fluffy hair unkept and no sign of his cap that usually covered his white streak

Amato's hold tightened...

"Aeris, " He mumbled to himself, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. His son, having lost his emotions was something he can never accept

"What have you done...?" He asked himself as he stared into boboiboy's eyes, trying to find the old bright light in it

Nothing. Not a spect of emotion was reflected in those hazel eyes...



So if you guys don't know what lobotomy is, it's basically a way to "cure" mental illnesses by shutting off nerves in the brain. Usually, it causes the patient to lose their sense of emotions and tends to act like a robot

Just a little oneshot. Angst was missing in my recent chapters so I wrote this

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