14 || Future selves [ver. 2]

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Who knew that a chance to meet your future self would be this heartbreaking?

Nobody expected to know that their own demise is near...

They didn't know that one invention can ruin their life, their friendship...

They stood infront of nut's new invention, exited to see it work.

"I'm so exited!!" A girl with glasses, knowned to be ying exclaimed

"Me too!" Ying's best friend, Yaya said

The girls then drowned themselves with predictions on what they would look like in the future

"Dey! Do you think you'll get even more popular than fang" A plus sized indian boy, knowned to be gopal said

Gopal made sure that Fang would hear what he said, just to make the alien annoyed

Gopal wanted to say more annoying things, but didn't get a chance since nut announced that the portal would now be activating

"Alright! Portal will open in 3"




As the countdown ended the portal in front of the gang started to flicker. A blinding light then emitted from the portal, causing the gang to cover their eyes shut

After the light receded, they slowly opened their eyes to witness a light blue colored portal in front of them. They stared in amazement

After a few seconds of staring, they noticed someone from the other side stepping through the portal. They waited for the person to fully come through

Their excitement grew when they realized that the person who went through the portal was the future self of their leader

He wore a black sleeveless turtleneck, with his jacket tied around his waist. He also wore cargo pants, and steeled combat boots. He wore his hat normally, which was odd.
Overall he looked like a model

"Damn Boboiboy! You look like a model in the future!" gopal said. The others nodded in agreement

"Let me introduce myself. I am Boboiboy, 23 years old. I have the title of Elemental legend" F. Boboiboy said

"Woah! That's such a cool title!!" gopal sqealed

"Hm, I bet I have a better title than him in my future" Fang said

F. Boboiboy's expression change at the mention of his friends, but quickly changed it back before anyone noticed

"So, have any questions?" F. Boboiboy asked

All of them raised their hand. They all had a question. But F. Boboiboy chose his young self to ask first

"Did I finally meet him?" Boboiboy asked

His friends were a bit confused. Who did their leader wanted to meet? But they just shrugged the thought off

F. Boboiboy smiled warmly before nodding to his past self. Boboiboy gleamed with joy. While his friends were still confused but didn't ask anything

"Alright! Next question" F. Boboiboy said as he pointed to fang, indicating that he ask the next question

"Uhm, what rank are you?" fang asked

"Right now I'm an admiral at laskar station" F. Boboiboy replied

Fang's mouth dropped to the floor. "WHAT??" Fang shouted

The gang was confused, while boboiboy seemed to be in his own little happy world

"Don't you guys know??" fang asked

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