72 || Fear

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Fear, a familiar concept in which grew up with Fang. From simple fear of darkness evolving to fear of death. Just the normal ways of growing up

Fang was quite used to it, having his home planet destroyed along with his parents was something he surely may have feared even if he doesn't remember much

Fear became his habit, observing anyone and everyone for obvious fears they might have like his older brother, he notice slight flinches whenever bed bugs were mentioned, most likely why he's keen on keeping his room clean

When he reached earth, even when he couldn't remember who he really was, the habit stick. He noticed how Ying would avoid chickens, probably stemmed from losing her powers whenever she sneezed

Or how yaya makes sure she doesn't lift anything too heavy above her head incase it falls on her. Even gopal, for a short period, he made sure he actually transformed an object thoroughly before eating it

Fang shrugged those off, having labeled them as reasonable fears. What caught his eyes are a certain human, a human who acts as if fear is a foreign concept to him

Fang was quite worried about it, even as a child. Boboiboy would always push his powers to it's limit with no fear of losing control or causing collateral damage

The more he observed the boy the more he wonders if he even knows what fear is. The way boboiboy tosses himself to danger with no regard to his safety was concerning, he at least expect a hint of fear in those honey eyes but no trace of it could be found

As young as he is, there was only 2 things that reminded Fang that boboiboy did felt fear, even if he barely noticed the first, it was there

The fear of replacement perhaps? It happened when boboibot was introduced, he accompanied the others in comforting him since it looked like he was sulking but the hint of fear was reflected in his eyes, it was faint, but enough to be seen by fang

He expected to see fear when he turned his back on them when his brother arrived, but no fear presented itself in those human eyes, it may have hurt Fang a bit that the human wasn't afraid of his betrayal but his eyes did reflect hurt

He still feels guilty about it.

Next was Borara, for the whole trip to the island, there was no fear for some reason. It baffled fang, his power sphera, his best friend was kidnapped why isn't he shitting his pants thinking of would happen

"I trust ochobot enough that he's safe"

That's the answer Fang got when he asked the human. Assuring that he trust the robot that much but it's also concerning

But when borara broke the robot, Boboiboy's features morphed to fear. He was afraid, he looked like he was in a nightmare. Fang might have wanted to see boboiboy afraid, but not this much

But all those fear in his eyes disappear as it was replaced by determination, vengeance. All trace of it gone, even when he got caught in Borara's black hole. Nothing

It ran a chill through Fang's spine.

He doesn't know whether to be amazed by how he can turn fear into fuel to fight or be concerned by how quick he can turn off his fears

When boboiboy was embracing the broken robot, gathering the shattered pieces on the ground in the hopes of fixing him. Fang couldn't help but notice the slight fear in the human's eyes.

The fear of losing someone important was Boboiboy's fear. Fang understood, a common but terrible fear that anyone has.

As much as it hurt fang as well, his heart ached seeing the fearful eyes of the human. He swore in his life to not make this human feel fear like this again.

Jugglenut, Vargoba, even Retak'ka. Villains Fang anticipated for boboiboy to show fear again, they were worse than borara after all. But no, his fear may have shrink as he grow

At this point Fang wondered if boboiboy can ever feel fear again. He was weirded out by the human but he's an alien so he can't say much about that

He also hadn't spoke to anyone about his observations, his friends had a gist of it but not the whole 'it's a habit' thing so he's still just making sure no one thinks he's a stalker for keeping eyes on boboiboy

Fang took back all his words about fearless boboiboy. He may have forgotten that boboiboy feels fear if anyone he loves is taken or loss

Elements are apart of that. Fang forgot. He forgot that the boy's powers are sentient and are like brothers to him. He witnessed boboiboy becoming pale from the claim of Queen kuputeri of taking back the wind element. An upgrade to his fear.

Boboiboy expression jad fear written all over it for the whole of gurlatan when his lightning element was taken away, heartaching but the most Fang saw of boboiboy being afraid

As of now, Fang hopes to see boboiboy being fearful but in a more calm predicamentd like a prank war or something but he knows that won't happen.


A product of boredom

Boboiboy one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें