73 || Control

260 18 5

These voices were meant to be quiet. They used to be. Why are they getting louder? Their voices are echoing. I can't concentrate. I can't focus...

Boboiboy, the hero of the galaxy, the elemental master, the human hero, the saviour of earth, and TAPOPS top agent

Boboiboy, a weak human who locked himself in his room, the boy who shattered his watch, the boy who curled himself into a fetal position, the hero who lost all his sense of humanity as the voice got louder in his head

They begged him to be free, to control his body, to let go. So they'll be in charge once he dies.

He'd grown familiar of these voices ever since he got this power, ever since he was a child. Back when they were just low whispers, wind in his ear

They wanted to be known, to conquer, to be free.

'Freeze that annoyance'

'Burn the house'

'Hang them with vines'

'Take the air out of their lungs'

'Electrocute them alive'

'Let the earth swallow them hole'

'Blind them'

Tiny wisp of these voices. Dismissed as intrusive thoughts as the elements continue to fuel his insanity. He used to be able to ignore them. He used to drown them out. Why can't he do it now?

'Free us'

He wants them to shut up. He wants to them to be quiet. Why can't he go back to when he could control them?! Why can't he ignore them like before??

He doesn't want this. He wouldn't have became a hero if this was the price. His ears are bleeding. It hurts.

He clutched his ear tightly, his nails digging on his ear lobe. Tears fell from his eyes. Quiet. Quiet. It was quiet. It stopped. They stopped.

His hand moved away from his ear. As the cold airconditioned wind tingled his ear. He smiled so so happily. They finally stopped.

His eyes wondered the room, too estatic as he was freed by the torment. The white walls didn't bother him even if it blinded him


He sat up, confusion written all over him. Wasn't he just in his room? His eyes landed on a window.

He sauntered to it as he checked what was on the other side. His mind ran blank, no thoughts present. He wasn't used to the silence ringing in his head

His gaze read the sign on the side of the window in the other side. His eyes widen as he slammed the window, calling out anybody, everybody.

Name: Boboiboy __________
Age: 16
Status: Mentally unstable
Cause: -unknown-

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now