Inktober Day 11 (๑˘ᵕ˘)

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Boi ya better buckle in cuz I got some rlly bad and surprisingly good ones to show ya this time-

That paired with the fact that it's 3:34 Am means we gonna go through this quickly so I can go to bed >:'D-

That paired with the fact that it's 3:34 Am means we gonna go through this quickly so I can go to bed >:'D-

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Fekin' random meme of me with Pixie that I surprisingly think is really good-

Imma use this as meh pfp some time in the far furture for sure-


And thiz- sjhsvc It actually looks gooD wtF- x'D 

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And thiz- sjhsvc It actually looks gooD wtF- x'D 

Twilight Princess art is so fun for me to do-

And not just cuz it's my favorite Zelda game either- Don't hold that against me-

And not just cuz it's my favorite Zelda game either- Don't hold that against me-

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And this- IDK about this- Everything is ok except for Zelda's face- :'3

The rest of it is oK👌

Idk about this one either tho-

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Idk about this one either tho-

Chara looks really good but the Blizz is sorta "ehhhhhh"

JdjBavsu nOw we out here taking serious prompt words and drawing bs again x'DDD

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JdjBavsu nOw we out here taking serious prompt words and drawing bs again x'DDD

I have no comment on this other than that-

Prompt word: Wander

(As in they are trying to wander away from meH)

(As in they are trying to wander away from meH)

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This I also rlly like- Ya see the  quarter moon in the sky-? Bish I can't wait to color this-

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This I also rlly like- Ya see the  quarter moon in the sky-? Bish I can't wait to color this-

Prompt word: Quarter

And her another pic of Four looking unnecessarily guud in a drawing--

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And her another pic of Four looking unnecessarily guud in a drawing--

And her another pic of Four looking unnecessarily guud in a drawing--

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And this-

This has a story-

I swear to God while drawing this I was like "This is gonna turn out so bad -^-"

But no

No no no no no-

It must've sensed meh negativity towards it and somehow turned out well out of spite-

Becuz now I think it looks good & I kinda like it x'D

Prompt word: Glow

(As in the brightbloom seed on the tree is the single glow in the depths...)

Ight imma flipin' go to bed now cuz I can't see straight anymore & idk how much I've misspelled so I'll grammar check shiz tomorrow-

AdioS my dUdeS-

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