Inktober Day 15 (๑✪ᆺ✪๑)

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Surprisingly that day wasn't as chaotic as the previous- Still messy for me but not as much :D-

Surprisingly that day wasn't as chaotic as the previous- Still messy for me but not as much :D-

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Anyway, this is funny to me for some reason xD

And this one I just- Idk what to think about it

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And this one I just- Idk what to think about it ._."

I was hoping to draw the sages together for A Link Between Worlds which is why I speed through drawing then for the practice art but-

I was unable to do so >^>

I was unable to do so >^>

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So instead ya got this-

Anyway for those of you who know what this is, good job :D

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Anyway for those of you who know what this is, good job :D

BecuZ I will not confirm nor deny anything-

So the official prompt word for this drawing was "dagger" so I drew the Gerudo dagger x'D

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So the official prompt word for this drawing was "dagger" so I drew the Gerudo dagger x'D

And Seishin & Marry/Merry being fascinated by it-

Prompt word: Dagger

This one is just so stupid I can't even-

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

This one is just so stupid I can't even-

This was supposed to be Green anyway so >->

Prompt word: Falling

Now I still like this one cuz it's a pic of Four, but outta all of them this one is undoubtedly my least fav x'3

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Now I still like this one cuz it's a pic of Four, but outta all of them this one is undoubtedly my least fav x'3

Now I still like this one cuz it's a pic of Four, but outta all of them this one is undoubtedly my least fav x'3

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But this one is funni-

And yes, Four knows the Four Swords Zelda- Now how she knows Zelda and what their relationship is, I will not elaborate on u^u

But for those of you interested in actually reading Four's story, Zelda plays some important plot parts in the story :3

Can't leave meh favorite Zelda outta a story like that-

Prompt word: Tea

And lastly we have this somewhat sad image (/

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

And lastly we have this somewhat sad image (/._.)/

Prompt word: Hope

(As in his hope to see Midna again.)

Uh, Art Book Ig?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora