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"we're exactly where we're meant to be."

Dino sat outside Sihun's house with tears in his eyes. It had been 4 months since he disappeared and there had been no sign of him since. He pulled his knees up to his chest and laid his head down.

"Baby? Is that.. you?" Dino looked up and saw Sihun standing in front of him. He jumped up and wrapped his arms around Sihun, not even bothering to wipe his tears. Sihun sighed, relieving all of the worries he'd been holding for the last 4 months. Sihun had been through hell because of what he did but all that time, all he could think about was if Dino was okay. It had been clear to him at that moment that he hadn't been. Sihun decided at that moment that he would never tell Dino what happened in that 4 months that he was gone. He knew that it would only cause him more pain. Dino pulled away and looked into Sihun's eyes. He could see the pain but he knew better to ask. He knew that Sihun wasn't going to tell him. He also knew that it was probably for his own good.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Dino asked, in a whisper. Sihun nodded with a smile.

"Now that I have you in my arms, I'm just fine. Let's go inside." Dino smiled as Sihun grabbed his hand. They went in and sat down in the living room.

"I don't want to know what happened while you were gone." Sihun got off the couch and crunched down in front of Dino.

"I won't tell you anyway but what I can tell you is that it's over and they won't be bothering us ever again." He said as he placed his hands on Dino's knees' Dino nodded.

"You missed my 19th birthday." Sihun frowned.

"I'm sorry, baby. I will never miss another birthday again."

"Hyung, I'm sorry that I've never told you this seriously but every ounce of me belongs to you. I love you. You're my person. You're my other half and I can't and won't ever be able to see myself with someone else." Sihun was crying as Dino finished his words. "Hyung, don't cry. I mean what I say."

"I know you do. That's why I'm crying. I love you too, Chan. More than you'll ever know."

"The guys told me what you said while I was in the dream world. Thank you for never giving up on me." Sihun stood up from his spot and leaned down, pressing his tear-stained lips to Dino's. In that moment, all of the pain and suffering from the past melted away. This was them. It was messy. It was painful but it was also beautiful and precious. It was everything the two ever hoped to have. In simple words, they were a beautiful mess who were meant to find each other through all odds.



Wonwoo sat down on his bed with a sigh. Mingyu walked in behind him with a smirk.

"We're finally alone."

"You say that like you've been waiting all day to pounce me." Wonwoo said, standing up and walking toward Mingyu.

"Would say I have, get me what I want." Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Mingyu's neck.

"It depends on how you ask, love." Mingyu wrapped his arms around Wonwoo's waist and pulled him against his chest.

"Is that so? Baby, fuck me." Mingyu said, in a dark groggy voice. Wonwoo smirked. He loved hearing those words. They'd become addicting to him.

"Isn't there more?" Wonwoo asked, in a whisper. Mingyu's eyes were glowing with happiness. Mingyu knew what Wonwoo wanted to hear. He didn't mind it, though. They were his favorite words and up until he met Wonwoo they had never had any real significance.

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