Unintended Discoveries Pt 1

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Seungcheol woke up feeling unusually warm. He opened his eyes to see Jeonghan wrapped around him. He smiled and kissed the boy's forehead. He carefully pressed his hand to Jeonghan's back before picking up his phone and texting the group chat.

'Cheolie has changed The Trauma Floor to The Mystic 13'

Is anyone awake yet

Tiger Boy
I am unfortunately
Woozi Hyung is still sleeping tho
He looks adorable when he sleeps😭

You've known the boy 3 days🤦🏼

Tiger Boy
He's wormed his way in
But cute 🤦🏼

Hao Hao
If you wake up Junie I'm going to be pissed
He didn't sleep much

I don't think any of us slept well
Wonu didn't fall asleep till 3
Even then I'm not completely sure he actually slept

Dino didn't sleep either
He kept waking up
Eventually I just got out of bed and got into DKs
He slept a little after that

Tiger boy
If you and Dino are in Dk Hyung's bed then where did DK Hyung sleep

He slept in my bed
Sunshine and Dino are still sleeping
Dino is wrapped around me like a koala
I'm worried about the kid
His nightmares seemed to have gone past just the stress of what we learned yesterday

He'll tell us when he's ready
Until then all we can do is be there for him

You're right

Tiger boy
Woozi Hyung woke up
He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me
Then went right back to sleep
I don't think he feels good

Why do you say that

Tiger boy
He used his magic last night to calm my nerves
It's probably been years since he's used his magic
I think it took a lot out of him

I thought his power was force fields

Tiger boy
It is
But he also has the ability to calm someone's mind
He can read auras too but he's not exactly sure how that one works
Don't you have more than one power

I never use them tho

Tiger boy
Me neither
All 3 of mine relate to time tho
His are interesting
I guess it does correlate tho
In a way

Vernon's in a mood
He's tired and groggy 😕

Fairy Han
Cheolie said to kiss him
I'm awake by the way

Where did he go anyway

Fairy Han
He went to get me food
Man acts like a whole ass husband
Gets annoying sometimes

I'm still here yk

Fairy Han
I'm aware

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