First Day 6

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"Life sent him to me when I needed it most."

3rd P.O.V

"Jun." Jun looked up at his roommate and took out his earbuds.


"Do me a favor?" Jun raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Can you run and grab the food I ordered for us?"

"Hao, why can't you go get it?"

"You're the one that was hungry." Jun sighed and nodded.

"Fine but I want your kimchi." The guy known as Minghao chuckled and nodded.

"You can have it all." Jun stood up and grabbed his keys before leaving. On his way, he thought about everything. He'd known Minghao for over a year. In that year, he'd seen Jun at his worst. He'd seen Jun when his brother died. He saved Jun when he tried to hurt himself. He'd been there through almost every life-changing event in his life and he hadn't left him. That was what scared Jun the most. He hadn't left him despite everything. Minghao didn't look at him any different than he had the day he'd met him. He took a deep breath before opening the door to his dorm.

Minghao looked up at the boy that he'd fallen in love with. His hair was messy as if he'd just woken up. He couldn't help but smile. Jun had been the kind of guy that always held everything inside. He'd been completely shocked when Jun called him crying. He'd immediately dropped everything and ran to him. He'd thanked God that he got to Jun when he did because otherwise the boy he knew today would be gone. They had only known each other for 5 months at that point.

"Hao, you okay? You zoned out." Minghao nodded and smiled.

"I'm okay. You got the food?" Jun nodded and walked over to the small table in their room. Minghao did the same and sat down. Jun pulled out the food and sat down.

"You sure you're okay? What's on your mind?"

"You. You're on my mind." Jun choked on his coke.

"Me?" He asked, in a whisper.

"Mhm. You're always on my mind."

"If that is a pity, I don't need it. I'm really doing okay now."

"I know that. I've spent the entire summer with you. It's not pity. I really just care. Is that a crime?" Jun looked down at his food.

"It's not a crime. I'm glad you care."

"Then what's the problem." Hao picked out his kimchi and gave it to Jun. Jun looked up at him and smiled.

"There is no problem. I'm just... I don't know."

"You went through hell last year and now things are somewhat back to normal. You don't know how to cope with that."

"I guess you're right. That's probably what it is."

"You don't have to worry though. You're safe here. You're safe with me." Minghao laid his hand on top of Jun's. Jun turned his hand over and held onto Minghao's.

"I know, Hao. You've been around for the worst and I'm happy that you've stayed with me this whole time" Minghao caressed Jun's hand gently.

"How could I ever leave you? You're the reason I'm still alive." Jun stood up and walked to Minghao. He still held his hand as he pulled him up and wrapped his arms around Minghao's neck. Minghao reciprocated the hug by wrapping his arms around Jun's waist.

"Thank you for saving me too. I wouldn't be alive without you. Literally." Minghao pulled away a bit and pressed his lips to Jun's forehead.

"Hao." Minghao hummed as he looked at the beautiful boy standing in front of him. "Please, never let me go." He smiled down at the boy.

"I will never. You've become my whole world." Jun couldn't help but cry as he held on to him. The love they had for each other was different than a friend's kind of love. They felt the spark all around them. They were scared of it though. They were both afraid that they'd lose their safe place. That was the reason for keeping each other at shoulder length. They reluctantly let go of each other and sat back down to finish their meal.

"Ah. When did we become so emotional?" Jun laughed at Minghao's question.

"I haven't a clue."

"Do you believe that everyone was put on this floor for a reason?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we got a transfer, a freshman, and most of us don't know each other. Also, this floor has been known to bring people together."

"You mean like fate?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Jun listened to his words thoughtfully.

"That would be interesting, right? I mean it seems that most of us were put with roommates that we know well but we don't really know each other."

"We didn't even pick our roommates."

"That's my point." The two of them sat there for a while and thought about that. It was well past 9 P.M. when they settled down and changed into pajamas.

"Hao, will you sleep in my bed" Minghao smiled before walking over to Jun's bed and lying down. He wrapped his arms around Jun and pulled him against himself.

" Jun, rest well okay?" Jun's heart sped up when he realized that Minghao had taken off his shirt.

"Are you sure, you want me this close to you?" He whispered in the darkness.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I mean having me this close to you... it could be tempting." Hao turned Jun over so that he could see his face.

"It's no different than the last time." Jun gulped.

"This time you're s-shirtless." Hao chuckled and tightened his grip around the boy.

"Aww, little one," Jun huffed.

"Get out of the bed." Hao laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Jun stretched out and put his left leg in between Hao's.

"Now you really are tempting me." Hao said in a whisper.

"Then do it." Hao smirked.

"One day." Jun only huffed. After that, the two of them fell asleep with a smile on their face.


No words just them.

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