Mr. Popular: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

She hung up and raced down the stairs. "Where's the gossip?" Asked Temari with a smirk.

Ino deadpanned, "that was Sai, he wants to me up with me. I have to go."

"Oh, well have—" before Sakura could finish the door closed, "—fun."

"Well then, where's Sasuke?" Her mother asked.

Sakura shrugged, he was 10 minutes late. "He'll be here," Tenten said.

"I know," Sakura smiled.

"At least we're here," Yuina said.

There was another knock on the door, "told you," Tenten smiled. Sakura grinned as she opened the door, but that smile soon fell as she saw just who was standing there.

"Neji?" Both Sakura and Tenten asked.

"Tenten, I went to your house and you weren't there. I was going crazy, why didn't you tell me—"

"Calm down Neji," she sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go catch a movie?"

Tenten smiled, "I'd love to!"

Neji smiled, "great."

After the couple left Sakura was feeling a bit heartbroken. Where was her Sasuke?

"Cheer up Sakura," Temari said.

"At least you guys are here," Sakura smiled weakly.

"Not for long," Yuina said looking at her phone. "Temari, Gaara and Shikamaru wants us to meet them at your house."

"What's in it for me?" Temari scoffed.
"You see Shikamaru knew you'd say that so he said it's a surprise."

In an instant the blonde was on her feet. "Gomen Sakura," she said.

"It's guys go."

"See you at school!" Yuina called on her way out.

Half an hour later her mom walked in looking all dressed up. "You're still here?"

Sakura sighed, "Yeah. Where are you going?"

"Your father and I are going out to lunch. Come on honey!"

"Coming dear," he said entering.

"You guys enjoy yourselves."

"Sure you'll be okay?" Her mom asked.

"I'm sure," she smiled.

"Okay, take care dear," her dad said before they left. Soon the pink haired girl was left with only her thoughts in an empty house.

Her throat burned from her unshed tears. How could he do this to her? She actually thought she meant something to him and that he actually liked her.

Guess she was dead wrong.

As she got up to go to her room there was a knock on the door. Deciding to ignore it, she continued to her room. But the knocking only grew louder, frustrated and angry she answered.

"Who is...?" She trailed off as she saw a tired Sasuke standing at her door. "Sasuke-kun."

"Sakura, I can explain. My car broke down half way here and I tried to fix it, but that only made it worse. I tried calling Itachi but he wasn't picking up. I knew Naruto was on a date so I didn't want to disturb the Dobe. So I ended up walking the rest of the way here..."

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