2|An Ape Sized Problem

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A/N: Hey guys. Two things I wanna say before we start.

First is rip Toriyama. That man is the father of Shonen and has inspired many in their stories. We wouldn't have what we do today without him. He's gonna be missed.

Second is please reread chapter 1. I changed some stuff to help with the new change in direction for the story. I also wanted to help establish a better start for Goken's character since I didn't like the way I characterized him at the start so please go see the changes.

Anyways let's begin


Piccolo watched with a critical eye as a black blur continued to move about the area, circling him. His eyes tracked the blur before it moved into a blind spot and struck.

Fast as lightning, Piccolo reacted as he blocked a punch before tilting away from a kick. With that he began trading blows with the figure. Limbs moved faster than the eye could see as they fought.

Eventually Piccolo saw an opening in his opponent's guard and took the advantage. Twisting his body from a blow aimed at his torso he punched the figure away from him. The figure skidded across the ground until he was a few feet away.

The figure stood up as it was revealed to be a battered and fatigued Goken. Despite the state of his body his eyes hadn't lost their fire.

He lifted his hand, palm aimed at Piccolo before a small orb of Ki started forming gradually gaining strength and size.

'He's making a Ki blast. It's good that he's already trying to indoctrinate Ki into his fighting style but...'

Piccolo faded from his spot as the Ki blast was fired and about to hit him.


Goken was once again sent into the dirt as Piccolo kicked him in the back.

The young hybrid picked himself up, spitting the dust and dirt from his mouth. He honestly still couldn't get over his teacher's speed.

Piccolo relaxed his stance and crossed his arms before regarding his student.

"You've improved. Implementing Ki blasts into your fighting style so early is good but you still need training." Piccolo commented.

"You don't say," Goken panted out sarcastically. He was frustrated that he hadn't managed to land a single blow on his teacher.

Piccolo smirked in amusement at his student's ire, he then looked to the sky as the previously blue sky had turned a dazzling orange with the setting sun.

"Take a break, you've done adequately today. You managed to unlock your Ki and have already started to apply it to your fighting style. Let's stop and resume tomorrow." Piccolo said.

"I-I can still keep going." He spoke through pants as he recovered from their previous exchange. He got his feet while wincing from his wounds and sore body.

"Don't be stupid. You've reached your limit for today. Breaking your body from training won't be beneficial in the end."

At this Goken began to get frustrated. His lack of results getting to him.

"What do you mean? This is nothing. This is supposed to be hell right? So bring it on!"

Piccolo's amusement grew as he gained a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"That so? Well then, I guess I'll just have to give you a real glimpse of hell then. Just you wait kid, tomorrow the real training starts." Was all the smirking Piccolo said before he turned his eyes south.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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