1|Piccolo's Boot Camp of Hell

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Darkness surrounded him. It was everywhere. He couldn't escape it. Like he was...drowning.

His senses were useless. He couldn't see. hear. Feel. Smell. Anything.

Where was he?

No. Who was he?

Did he have a name?

Was he alive?

Was he dead?

Did he even exist at all?

Finally, he could see...something. A blurry mirage entered his vision. It looked like a person, only it's outline could be seen. Similar to what he was probably experiencing the person was floating there in the sea of black.

For a while he and the other simply floated there, slowly getting closer. The features of the other became more clear and the person seemed almost...familiar?

Finally he felt himself move. Like something was pulling him back-

No upward. Finally he could see it. Light!

Slowly he ascended from the murky darkness and the last thing he saw before the light took him...

The crimson eyes of the one who remained in shadow.

Their eyes met and he heard them.

My name is *******.

*a** u*

He ascended faster. Images of a strange red planet flashed before his eyes.

You are...interesting

*a*e up

Even faster. A great battle. A war between two armies. Who were they?

You'll pay...CUMBER!!!

wake up

It was like water roaring in his ear at his ascension but he could still hear the voices clear as day.

I find your lack of faith...disturbing

Wake up!

And right before he reached the top.

Daikon...I love you...my brother


Goken bolted awake as someone yelled into his ear. His mind was running a million miles a minute to try and comprehend his strange dream.

He was already used to his strange dreams. The real part that sucked was trying to remember them though. Still, he couldn't help but remember one thing, nostalgia. Like the things he saw and heard in his dreams were familiar but he couldn't remember them or he'd forget when he woke up.

Sadly, Goken would get no answers to his questions as he finally realized he wasn't laying down but actually hanging a few feet off the ground. The confused boy looked up to meet the cold obsidian eyes of Piccolo. He was holding the boy up by the back of his shirt with a glare on his face.

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