Prologue/A New Journey's Beginning

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A/N: Welcome to the prologue of my first book bois. For those who don't know this is a remaster of my previous book a year ago, so I hope I made it better.


Age 852

"Hm? What's this? That's not supposed to be there."

"What is it Supreme Kai of Time?"

In the Age 852 we see two individuals standing in a large circular room. A table in the center with a large collection of scrolls lining the walls in what seems to be cages.

The two individuals in question were small in stature with one being female and the other male.

 The female seemed young in appearance with short reddish hair and pink skin with pointy ears to top it off

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The female seemed young in appearance with short reddish hair and pink skin with pointy ears to top it off. She also was wearing a set of pink robes and a pair of high heeled boots.

This was Chronoa the Supreme Kai of Time. The Kai assigned to watch over the flow of time in the cosmos.

The male individual had a similar appearance to Chronoa however he seemed to be far older as wrinkles adorned his face with his skin being a lighter shade of purple

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The male individual had a similar appearance to Chronoa however he seemed to be far older as wrinkles adorned his face with his skin being a lighter shade of purple. He also wore a male version of the robes Chronoa wore with the color scheme being dark and light blue with a pair of red boots.

This was Elder Kai, a Kai that assisted Chronoa in watching and protecting time.

Chronoa held up a purple scroll to her elder as it gave off an ominous dark aura, one they had seen many times before.

"This scroll...somethings changed doesn't feel normal."

Elder Kai raised an eyebrow. "Changes in history are supposed to feel normal?" he asked.

"No, you idiot!" She shouted before elaborating. "What I mean is that the change in this scroll doesn't feel like the one's we've fixed in the past."

The Elder Kai again raised an eyebrow before he set his gaze to the scroll in her hands and began to reach out to it with his senses.

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