"Just like when Tony Stark died," Ky adds, reminding Xara of that time Peter started to drift away from everyone, torn apart by the passing of his mentor. What would Tony Stark say if he knew what was happening now? "And you work for the Daily Bugle, too. Talk to Jameson."

"Shit, I'm late for work! I completely forgot about work!"

It's how Xara finds herself running down the sidewalk to catch the bus, waving her hand wildly to get it to stop for her before clambering on, out of breath.

Despite taking one of the front seats, she hears whispering starting up behind her, and pulls her hood over her hair. While they wouldn't explicitly mention her on the news unless she gives a statement, it doesn't stop the online sites and blogs mentioning her and spreading the news about 'Spider-Man's girlfriend', who also got kidnapped the year previously. While it's a lot worse for Peter, Xara's sure it's not about to get easy for her either.

By the time she rushes into the building, she's an absolute mess, only taking the few moments in the elevator to calm her frizzy hair before heading in.

The Daily Bugle isn't much, honestly. It's a small company, mostly known as a conspiracy site rather than the actual news, but it seems Jameson has leaned into the niche rather than combatting it. Xara isn't fussed, because it still gets reads all the same. While it isn't the end goal, it definitely reaches closer and closer to her dream of doing journalism.

She doesn't only write, though. She takes the photos for her articles, too, just like she does at school, along with helping record videos and livestreams. In this company there aren't very many employees, working out of a back room converted into half-storage, half-green screen for recording. Despite this, Jameson likes to get on his high horse and pretend he's a big hit, like their company isn't mere months away from becoming bankrupt.

Even then, it isn't like Xara can complain much. Her boss is dedicated to his job, that's for sure, even if she doesn't particularly like him. It's not like she can say it to his face, even if she definitely talks to Peter about him behind his back.

If only she knew he was about to give her something else to talk about.

She rushes into the 'recording room', where Jameson is setting up some papers in front of the green screen, only for Xara to slow down as she notices Genevieve - his 'assistant' - pleading with him about something. The moment her name is mentioned, Xara interrupts, still slightly breathless. "What's going on?"

Genevieve turns to her, rushing out, "Xara, I tried to talk him out of it-"

"You're fired."


It takes a few moments of staring blankly at her boss before Xara manages to find her words, even if it doesn't exactly process at first. "Sorry, what?"

"You heard me. You're fired."

"What- Why??"

"Your articles have gone downhill and your photographs are always blurry."

"The quality of my work is always perfect, and you know that!"

"Quiet! Do you want me to fire you?"

"You're already firing me!!"

The anger in her grows and grows, unable to find clear reasoning behind this decision, but it's a split second before a lightbulb lights in her head, slowly coming to the realisation. "It's because of Spider-Man, isn't it?"

She glances between them, but Genevieve glances away guiltily and Jameson purses his lips. And suddenly, for the first time, the overwhelming feeling of it not being fair washes over her. She could have fixed all of through this job, but now what? She's being fired? "You're firing me because Peter Parker is my boyfriend."

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