Chapter 15

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They reached jade mountain and Snowstar landed on the ledge that opens into a wide hole. She walked into the cave, it took her a minute for her eyes to a just. she looked at the skyfire in her talons. when she walked in deeper she was a little supprised of how quiet it was. then she realized that it was the skyfire, keeping her from hearing other dragons thoughts.

ugh, its so weird not hearing anything, how do dragons live like this? not seeing how dragons really are, Snowstar  wondered.

loch looked up at the sky then back to Snowstar,"I need to get back to my cave, see you at daylight," he said, "alright, see ya loch" Snowstar replied. He waved a talon then walked deeper into the cave.  She was walking to her cave when she saw lantern, "oh hey lantern!"

Lantern turned around and replied," oh hi Snowstar". Lantern shifted her wings in a specific way, her claws scraping the hard rock beneath her. " w-what did you say to Destiny?" Lantern mumbled fidgeting with her talons.

Snowstar moved her wings and the skyfire that she put under her wings fell cracked breaking off a few big shards. "ohh is that-" Lantern said picking up a piece. Then as soon as the buzzing in her head started, it stoped. Snowstar winced at all of the thoughts that blasted into her head.

She quickly grabbed the rest of the skyfire, she held them with her wing and said," keep it please, your mind is gives me a lot of headaches," Snowstar mumbled. She could hear a faint gasp from Lantern," y-you can read minds?....well i mean you do have teardrop scales so i guess it was kind of obvious"

"yeah well,  it is skyfire so keep it, it will sheild your mind from mindreaders.....and from me" Snowstar couldn't help adding. Lantern got up and replied,"well thanks for the skyfire, and know what never mind, see ya at our cave" then Lantern walked deeper into the mountian .

Snowstar sighed and contenued to wallk through the mountain.  She couldn't stop thinking about the prophecy, Ivysong and the assassin, how her brother seemed to get more paranoied and secretive, and how she could have hurt Destiny's feelings.

It was almost to much for her. Snowstar didnt say anything to anyone, she turned around a flew back out of the mountain, she traveled to a shop that she had memorized and landed. The owner of the shop whiped around from what they where doing then sighed in relief. " Snowstar! What do you need now?" The dragon said with a smile.

"Hi Autumn!" Snowstar replied. Autumn was a Leafwing/Skywing hybrid, who was at jade mountain 2 years ago, then after grauduation they left and started a little shop that would sell all sorts of things. "do you have any strips of metel?" Snowstar asked.

"I do acually, let me go grab it" Autumn answered. Snowstar sat down and looked up at the starry sky, then down at her talons where she put the skyfire before she took off. Autumn came back with the metal strips," here they are" She announced.

"that will be 3 silver coins" Autumn told her. Snowstar realized that she had not brought any silver coins with her. "oh great Clearsight" she cursed. Autumn looked at her with a confused expression on her face. Snowstar looked back at her talons and saw the skyfire.

"will a decent shard of this work?" Snowstar asked, showing Autumn the skyfire. Autumn took a good look at the skyfire then said," yeah okay" Snowstar gave her the piece that had broken off earlier and gave it to Autumn. Snowstar grabbed the metal, thanked the owner, then flew back to jade mountain.

She went to her cave and stated to make bracelets and earrings out of the metal and the skyfire. She finished late, she made notes saying keep it please, and handed it to her friends. She went to the jade winglets' cave for the female dragonets then set the jewlary beside teardrop.

She looked around and saw Ivysong sleeping, it was kind of weird seeing her look, well, peacefull. She looked at the earring that was for Destiny. I should give this to her in person, and apologise for leaving her out on the spot, She told herself.

She lightly walked out of the sleeping cave and went back into her own. She put the earring under her pillow, the voices came rushing back. She blocked them out with raindrop sounds. She ploped into her leaf bed then fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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