Chapter 9

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After the class got back from hunting Riptide told them to sort it out on the prey stand. So te two winglets walked over to the prey stand and started to sort out the food.

Snowstar realized that Ivysong was sneaking off.
She turned around and saw Marina and Destiny talking to eachother. Oh a new friend! Marina's mind cheered.
But to be honest Marina looked really calm.

I need them to come with me, I don't know what Ivysong is capable of she......she's not right.

Snowstar was goingto walk up to them when she saw Loch.
She turned back and realized that ivysong was getting away. "Hey Loch," Snowstar started," Could you come with me? Oh and bring Marina too" Loch looked a little confused.

What? What does she need? Oh well, Loch thought.
He shrugged and walked over to Marina.
Snowstar walked over to Destiny, Teardrop, and Lantern,
And asked,"Can you guys cover for me, Loch, and Marina?"

Why? You know what, I think it is about that new dragon,
We should let them go. Lantern thought. "Yeah, get going"
Lantern said.

Snowstar thanked them and went over to Loch and Marina.
"Okay follow me" She ordered.
They nodded and followed her as they went the way that Ivysong went.

Why did she want me to come? I'm not her friend. Wait she has teardrop scales next to her eyes that means....she can read minds! Loch's mind buzzed.

Snowstar took a deep breath and said," Yes, but that doesn't matter right now let's get going"
She was a lot more fierce and brave when it came to dragons figuring out that the can read minds.

While thay where walking they past a nightwing.
Oh look another Darkstalker freak.
Snowstar whipped around but Marina said" what are you doing? Don't we need to get where we are going?"
"Yeah, my bad" Snowstar apologized.

The dragons where walking but then she passed by and she saw Ivysong's scales she motioned for the other two to stop walking and get behind her.

They did what she motioned and went behind her.
Marina shifted her scales to match the cool gray stone.
"Wait! Ivysong can read minds, so be careful" Snowstar whispered. Marina nodded, and slipped inside of the room.

Snowstar heard Marina's mind order, enchant this tallon that when it touches one if the scales on Ivysong of the Nightwings and Rainwings that she will not be able to use her powers for ten minutes and she will not know the difference.

After a minute Ivysong hissed,"Who touched me!"
Snowstar was worried. She used her power! How many more untill she goes insane!

She felt Loch get closer to the door and stand next to her.
What's going on? Loch wondered.
"Ivysong has been vary suspicious sence she has got here,
I want to know what she is up to," Snowstar answered in a whisper. Loch nodded.

Snowstar! There is another nightwing in here!! From the looks of it he can't read minds so we are okay.

"Another nightwing?" Snowstar breathed. Snowstar slowly got closer. Snow, I think ivysong is making a deal with him.
Marina's mind explained. What? Loch thought.

"I think Ivysong and this nightwing are making a deal"
She explained. Loch opened his mouth to speak but Snowstar silenced him with her wing.
Snowstar put her eye to the crack in the wall that she was watching through.

"Did you finnish the job?" Ivysong hissed.
"Yes, and I made sure none of the queens knew"
The nightwings said. "He is lying, he didn't finnish the job"
Snowstar gasped quietly.

Heh I'm the best assassin there is! Better the Deathbringer!
The nightwing's mind exclaimed.
"Are you going to pay me? I did kill him, and I might as well kill her to" the assassin grunted. "Kill her and then I will pay you" Ivysong ordered.

The assassin hissed a curse then walked out of the cave.
Snowstar and Loch jumped into a corner so that the nightwing wouldn't see them.

Snowstar looked at the nightwing.
He was big and tall, he had blood stained claws, and a satchel on his neck. He was a dark purple and the stars on his wings were shaped to make a constalation of a blade.

That's the assassin!
Snowstar ran once she couldn't see the assassin and Loch followed after her.

Once Snowstar got to a safe place, she took a deep breath and then fell onto the ground. "Are you okay Snowstar?"
Loch asked. "Yeah, just a little shocked," Snowstar replied.
She looked up at Loch. He looked so calm, she would have thought that he wasn't surprised if it wasn't for his mind yelling, what! There was an assassin in the academy! What's going on!

Marina materialized beside them and said," that was an assassin! What are we going to do! Should we tell the winglets? Or the teachers?"

"No, we wot tell anyone, not yet at least, this stays between us for now," Snowstar answered.
"What about the mindreaders? Won't they just read our mind?" Loch mumbled.

"The crystal on my earing is enchanted so that no mindreader can read my mind unless I alow it, it also has The enchantment for my headaches, but that's not important. All I'm saying is that I'm fine," Snowstar explained.

"Oh my father gave me two skyfire rocks so if I make any friends and they become friends with Snowstar her headaches won't be so bad, be right back" Marina muttered.

After a few minutes Marina came back with two skyfire rocks they where in bracelets made out of silver.
She gave one to Loch and the both put theirs on.

Their minds went silent. "Okay let's get back to the winglets" Snowstar suggested.
The three dragonets walked off.

Whatever Ivysong and the assassin was planing Snowstar was going to get to the bottom of it.

Well that's my longest chapter! 987 words!

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