I parked right out side of the store and walked in. It was refreshing to be welcomed by that little silver bell. I hadn't been to work all week, Charlotte heard what had happened and banned me from work.

"Phoenix, honey. Thank you so much for covering me on short notice," Charlotte said, hustling around to grab her things.

"No problem, just go see your sister. Labors a bitch," I smiled. I picked up her bag and handed it to her as she exited the store.

Once she was gone, it was me and the books. And books are a girls best friend. I grabbed Winger off the shelf and settle down into a cushioned chair by the window.

About 14 chapters in, my neck started to ache. I looked out the window, watching all the cars past by. When the traffic stopped, Ace was standing on the other side of the street.

I immediately broke eye contact with him and went back to my desk. I picked up the work phone and pretended I was taking a phone call. I even took it as far as scrolling through the computer and using hand motions.

I glanced over my shoulder to see if he was still there and he was; he was just in motion. He was walking my way with a determined look on his face.

I turned my body back to the computer. I kept the phone to my ear, hoping he wasn't planning on walking into the store. But luck wasn't on my side.

The silver bell jingled, letting me know that Ace had entered the store.

"No, the books were suppose to be in last week," I argued to the phone.

I kept silent for a minute. Ace stood in the doorway watching me.

"I have the order right up on my computer. It says that Charlotte ordered them last week, Wednesday at noon," I read from the screen.

Ace's eyes were boring into my back.

"I have customers who are expecting these books any day and you haven't even packaged them," I complained. This was ridiculous on my part, but I wanted Ace to realize I was not getting off the phone any time soon.

Ace traveled through some of the aisles.

"I'll pay whatever I have to to get them here as soon as possible," I snapped. I was praying to god I sounded convincing.

Ace stood in front of the counter with a book in his hand. He smiled at me. The nerve of some people.

"Okay, yes just get them shipped out," I sighed. I hung up the phone and tilted my head towards Ace.

"Busy day?" He asked casually.

Nice to see you got over me fast.

"Not really. Charlotte had to leave last minute so I'm finishing up her list of things to do," I replied, focusing on checking out his book. He needed to get out of here before I lost it.

"That's nice of you," he said.

I just nodded. "Your total is 14.23."

He handed me a twenty dollar bill. I had an overwhelming sense of deja vu. This was just like the first time he bought a book from here.

I gave him the change and put his book in the plastic bag. I tossed the receipt in there and slid the bag across the counter. I couldn't risk contact.

"Why wont you look at me?" He murmured.

"Please don't," I begged.

"I have to know how you are. Is Jason bothering you?" Ace asked.

I shook my head.

"Please look at me," he begged.

"I can't! Okay? It hurts. Everything hurts. Thinking about you, looking at you. You made breathing hurt for me!" I yelled.

"Phoenix," Ace pleaded.

I turned my body away from him. I decided now was as good as time as any to face him one last time.

"When you first spoken to me in the hallway, the only thing I could think about was getting you out of my life. But you kept coming back and eventually I wanted you to stay. You saved me at the party and you saved me when Jason attacked. I grew attached you, I grew feelings. And I'm going to blame all of this on you because if you didn't want me falling for you, you should have never walked into my life. What would you expect from a girl who had no family in her life? Did you think she would just want to be friends? I was treading water when you came into my life, and now I'm drowning. I can't ever catch my breath, I can't sleep. And it's all because of you. But to this exact moment, I would never take back that day in the hall. I would get in the middle of your fight over and over because you changed my life! And maybe you were right. Maybe we never were suppose to meet. But we did and that means something to me. So if you're hear to check up on me, you can stop. You decided not to fight. And in fights, you don't get second chances. You cannot keep popping up into my life if you don't intend to stay," I cried.

During my whole speech, Ace's face stayed emotionless. I'll probably never know what was going through his head at that exact moment. But all I knew was I wanted him to feel the pain I was feeling.

"I'm sorry," Ace said, pathetically. He grabbed his book and walked out of the store, not looking back behind him.

My world that I was slowly building back up, once again came tumbling down all around me. And I was scared.

Alright! I've reached 100 reads, but nobody has voted except for a select few. So if you guys want another update, I want at least 5 votes! Starting small! Thank you for reading!!♡

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