Chapter 1

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When dad called me to come to Forks, Washington - I wasn't entirely aware what was waiting for me as I arrived.

Being away for college for several months, it felt so surreal to be back here. I had moved all my classes online, dad had sounded desperate on the phone - and ever rarely did dad ask for help. In actuality, he never asked for help, and rarely did he call me. I was always the one making the phone calls, trying to keep up to date with everything that was happening.

Pulling into the Swan residence, Bella's truck was in the driveway. That wasn't anything unusual, Bella hardly ever left the house - unless it was to be with her boyfriend. Though, with dad keeping me up to date, I had learned they had broken up - which surprised me a little. They had been conjoined to the hip, and knowing that they weren't together anymore was surprising in itself.

Once I pulled beside Bella's truck, I gathered my things. I had a suitcase filled with all of my clothing that I wore most of the time - I had donated some of it, knowing I might be here for a while. I had even given up my keys to the dorms, considering I had moved all my classes online. Knowing this was about Bella, I had hoped she appreciated what I was doing for her.

"THAT'S IT!" I heard dad roar, making me flinch and eyes wide. Knowing the door was unlocked I burst into the home, Bella looking every bit like a Zombie as Charlie was hovering over her - looking dejected and defeated. "YOU'RE GOING BACK TO RENEE'S!" He had snapped. Charlie Swan never snaps.

Bella's head jerked, but she still held an expressionless face. Dad hadn't seen me yet, since his back was against the door. "I don't want to go back!" She whined pitifully, making me wince at how monotone that sounded. "I haven't done anything!"

No wonder dad wanted me to be back. Bella was practically dead already.

Sighing, dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's the problem, Bella!" He grumbled. "You don't do anything. All you do is sit and mope all day, and then I have to wake up to hear your screams in the middle of the night because you're having a nightmare!" I flinched at that, looking over to Bella who didn't look the least bit apologetic.

"I'm sorry..." She murmured, looking down at the floor dejectedly.

Dad sighed, leaning against the counter. "Honey, I don't want you to leave. But maybe this is for the best." He shook his head, obviously not equipped to deal with a broken-hearted daughter.

"Or maybe I can hang out with Elaine. She just walked into the door!" Bella smiled slightly when she saw me, making me cringe as dad whirled around to see me watching the show.

"Elaine, sweetie, when did you get here?" His eyes bugged as he walked over to me, giving me a big hug.

Smiling, I hugged him back, feeling the warmth that he always gave me. I had missed him. "I just got here. Basically as soon as you were screaming," I told him sheepishly, earning an awkward laugh back.

"Sorry about that..." He was embarrassed, though that was nothing new. Dad got embarrassed easily. "I'm glad you're here, sweetheart. Did you bring everything you needed?" He wondered, looking behind me to find nothing there.

"I left it near the car. When you started screaming I had to make sure you didn't murder my little sister..." I trailed off with a chuckle, sending a wink towards Bella - who was just giving me a small smile that didn't reach her face. I could tell she was just existing, and wasn't truly alive at that current moment. I felt sorry for her, she must have really loved Edward... and for him to go off and do that to her left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Just wait til the next time I see him. He'd be getting a few words, and maybe a punch in the face.

Smiling softly at me, he turns to look over at Bella. "This conversation is not over," he warned her, and she barely gave him any sort of emotion over that threat as he shoves me outside. "Thank you for coming, Laney. I don't know what to do about her." He sighs, and I could see how tired he was.

"How long has she... been that way?" I wondered, frowning. I was worried about her. No one should feel this detached from life from a breakup. That just spelled for a toxic relationship.

Cringing, he looked back at the house for a few seconds before taking the handle of one of my suitcases. I had two, plus a carry-on bag that held my important necessities. "Ever since he left. So a few weeks, maybe more?" He questioned with a sigh. "His entire family is gone. She was close to them, especially that little girl Alice. She came over often. I don't understand why they all had to leave. Maybe if one of them stayed she wouldn't be like this..." He grumbles, not knowing what to do.

I place a hand on his shoulder, giving it an affectionate squeeze. "Don't worry dad. I'll try and make her come to her senses, but I also have to do my online classes." I reminded him, not wanting Bella to over-take my life. I had obligations other than her. If she wanted to get better she had to at least try instead of depending on other people to get better.

"I know baby," he nodded his head as we made our way towards the house. "I'm appreciative that you came down and switched your classes to online. I know that must have been tough," he gives me a small smile and I shrug, trying to ignore the pang in my heart. I'd miss my friends at college, but I cared for my family. I'd do anything to help them, and if this would help Bella, then I was willing to try.

I can always go back. They had told me that they would keep a dorm ready for me when it was time for my return to campus.

"They said I can come back whenever I can," I shrugged instead as we made our way towards the top of the stairs. "Same room as always?" I asked, grinning when he nodded. Pulling the door open, I noticed that everything had stayed the same since I left for college. Posters of my favorite bands hung on the wall, everything in a purple and pink pastel theme. My bookshelves are filled with my favorite books.

It was truly like I was coming back home.

"Welcome back, Laney," he smiled, leaning down to kiss my cheek. "I'll let you get unpacked. I still have to talk to Bella, set some ground rules..." He trails off with a grumble before heading back down, and I almost felt sorry for Bella.

Almost. She was the one who got herself into this position, after all.

I was just here to play damage control and try to bring her back. 

AN: Hello, thank you for picking this up! I started writing this not expecting it to go anywhere really, and decided to post it. I wasn't initially going to post fanfiction on this account, but  idk if I'll ever get around to posting my originals - so might as well use it for fanfiction, right? I'll post my originals on this account if I ever get around to doing that! 

I have four chapters wrote, including this one! I post as I write, but I will be utilizing the posting schedules, so maybe I can keep up on Wattpad if I decide to have a posting schedule haha. Though don't hold your breath on that! 

I haven't decided if I am going to be writing books 3 and 4 yet, because I got this idea initially because of this scene and I wanted to bring Elaine in for a book. If I do I'll just post those in this book. So we'll see what happens when I get to the end, although I did get an idea on what I could do for book 3 if I decide to write it...

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