The old beginning and the old end

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( Authors note: I meant to change some things in the vote, so mc won't have the maturity of a small child but will have the emotionality of a small child.)

(Fyi this is how mc looks, just add some stubble

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(Fyi this is how mc looks, just add some stubble.)

"Hello my name is @*#%^& and this is my life." Says a disembodied voice sounding male in his tone you could tell he was emotionally drained and looking around all you would see is pitch black void. This scenery suddenly changes to the inside of a hospital room.

"This is how everything started, this is where I was born like most people when I came out of my mother I was crying my eyes out like every healthy newborn." Says the voice sounding remorseful and monotonously before continuing." My mother... was in a few words, incredibly strong, not physically but she was strong where it mattered." While the voice said this you could hear the smile across his face even if his tone was depressing.

"When my mom, &@^#*% gave birth to me, the doctors said that she wouldn't live through it. But against all odds she made it through. Later when I was older I asked her how she lived through it, do you want to know what she said?" Said the voice sounding like he was asking you a question." I'll tell you what my mom told me, she told me that when she thought of me living alone in a foster home she said that it scared her so much that she kept on living to make sure that didn't happen." Said the voice, from his tone you could make out the sadness that he tried to hide under all of that." And yes you heard me right I am the child of a single mother without any family except my mother, my grandparents died a few years before my birth, and my father walked out on my mom when he heard my mother was pregnant with me." The voice said. At the end of his speech you could hear the anger in his voice even if he tried his best to hide it.

"But that happy life ended when I was four years old." He said stuttering a little as he thought of what happened." It was a dark night, it was foggy and raining at the same time, me and my mom where in her car, the crazy thing was that the fog was so heavy that you could barely see 10ft (3.048 meters) even with headlights on. Even with visibility so low my mom drove, she was a good driver, she would always go 10 miles under the speed limit just to make sure nothing bad would happen." Said the voice now trembling, he wasn't even trying to hide how devastating it was." Then everything happened so fast one second everything was fine... the next second everything was spinning and then everything stopped and went dark. When I woke up I was in excruciating pain, everything hurt, it was like I had been hit by a truck. Then after a few seconds I passed out." He said his voice back to being monotone." I would later learn that I was right and that the drivers side of my moms car had been rammed into by a sixteen wheeler truck, and that it was a miracle that we where both alive. But unfortunately my mom was in a coma and the doctors said that they didn't know when she would wake up." The voice said his tone depressing.

"My mom hadn't had enough money saved up to treat her injuries so I had to step up and do some work. It was hard to get any work everyone just looked at me and asked me where my mom was I told them that she's sick and doesn't have enough money to pay for her treatment so i decided to do some work to help pay for it." He said a hint of a smile in his tone." Later I learned those people all came together and created a go fund me page to help pay for the treatment." He said his tone happy and muttered," those where good times."

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