Part 18 : Know More

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The sky looked exactly like a cotton candy , she was looking at them with a dreading feeling. A feeling of wanting to disappear. 

She gave up one her window seat to her sister,  not a damn good fan of window seats.

Akshara opened her book and started reading until the flight assistant announced about the landing. 

She almost died during the take off and landing. Sending numerous prayers time and again , Akshara sneezed and held tightly the sleeves of her white and pink woolen sweater,  she looked like a school going girl.

Hiring a cab to the hotel they booked,  the newly weds chatted happily about the upcoming adventures they would do where she remained silent but listening to them.

Reaching the hotel , Athira let out a sigh “ oh my God,  the weather's just amazing and awesome,  I can build up a castle and stay forever here. ”

Chuckling at her words , they checked in .

“ Arjun , freshen up and come directly to the restaurant,  will have dinner together. ”

Dev said walking off to the elevator. 

“ You aren't freshening up.”

Seeing Akshara take off her shoes and slipping onto the bed,  Arjun asked her.

“ It's too cold. ”

“ You aren't immune to cold , I presume.  There must be a heater,  I'll  switch it on .”

Nodding her head she covered her shivering form .

“ It's not meant to be this cold her at this time of month .”

Akshara absent mindedly spoke.  Arjun looked at her to see her looking at her hands keenly like she's trying to figure out something. 

“ You have been here before right.”

“ Yes.”

Seeing Akshara and Arjun already in the restaurant,  Dev and Athira walked over to the table. 

“ You both are early .”

“ No,  we just came .”

Athira covered her younger sister with a spare shawl
“ You don't have a shawl right .”

Akshara nodded and smiled. 

The food was served and all of them were starved enough to have it silently.

“ Why aren't you using your glasses ? Isn't that paining ?”

Athira asked her and she shrugged.

“ Your eyes are swollen and puffy .”

“ itches too .“ Akshara said  rubbing the tip of her eyes. 

“ Does she have lenses on ?”

Dev asked his wife , Arjun too looked at his wife .

“ Lenses . She has glasses of high power and legit can't see without them on .”

“ Then why isn't she wearing them now?”

“ Amma might be …….“

With that Athira scurred to match her steps with Akshara.  They both talked  and walked  away leaving their husbands. 

“ You knew ?”

“ I didn't.  Does it matter ?”

“ No,  it doesn't.”

Arjun gave Dev a smile and looked ahead at his wife who was smiling at whatever her sister was saying.  He wished her to be like that with him as well .

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