"It's called punishment! He was not supposed to be cleaning when it should be dusty in my mansion!" Gabriel roared.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! And you used a werewolf fang dagger to sink werewolf venom in him?! What the fuck?!" Adrien was so close to choking him again.

"He disobeyed the rules! Now I want you to go back to your room and bring him out!" Gabriel said.

"No! What you did was wrong! You took away the only life he loved! You put a curse on him!" Adrien could not control his anger and he wanted to start a fight.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Gabriel warned.

"And don't you dare treat my human servant as a slave! You have no right to who gets punished! You're not a God!" Adrien held his hand out to use telekinesis on his father to choke him if he ever got on his bad side again.

"Adrien stop!" Nathalie begged him to stop.

"Nino is just a kid, father! He's only 16 like I am physically! You destroyed his life!" Adrien choked him hard.

"ARGH! STOP! AAAACK!" Gabriel struggled to breathe.

"If you don't find a cure to remove the werewolf curse, your neck will be bitten! Is that understood?!" Adrien hissed.

"AAAGH! Yes! Just let me go!" Gabriel struggled.

"You are a menace, father! This is why I don't do things your way!" Adrien released him, so angry that he could not trust him anymore, "If Nino isn't cured, things are not gonna end pretty!" He warned him.


Felix knew that it was a full moon tonight and he could see the slight changes in Nino gaining brown fur on his arms and face.

"Nino, don't panic! You have a conscience but you do need meat to eat!" Felix goes to the fridge to grab a chunk of meat for him.

"I'm trying! But it's too much!" Nino groaned.

Adrien knew that werewolf transformation can sometimes be scary to those who are bitten. Especially that Nino is growing scared to think he'll lose control. But he felt himself change.

"Don't look at me!" Nino panicked at the fur on his arms.

"Oh no!" Felix saw him change.

"Nino, stay calm! Stay calm! We are not abandoning you!" Adrien held his best friend's shoulders to make him look at him, "You're not a monster"

Nino looks into his best friend's eyes and breathes heavily, "Bro, I cannot lie to you. Your father is a monster but you're not like him. He doesn't like what I do! I tried to be what he wants me to be but instead, he punished me by stabbing the werewolf fang dagger up my ass!" Nino said with a little anger.

"Fight your feral instincts!" Adrien tried to keep him from going savage.

"Eat the meat, man!" Felix made him smell the chunk of meat.

Nino grabbed the meat and ate it ravenously.

"There is a cure to remove the werewolf curse. But your father has it hidden. What the hell was he thinking? Werewolves and vampires have been at war for centuries" Felix said.

"He's crazy" Nino groaned.

"I threatened my father and if he doesn't find the cure, the vampire council will remove him if he doesn't learn to behave. It's obvious he wants things to remain unchanged" Adrien growled lowly.

"Thank you," Nino said.

"I told you that he would go this far as to ruin your friend's life! Your birthright from your mother should've happened now to give you the chance to exile your father" Felix glared at him.

"My birthright died with my mother," Adrien said.

"And she passed your birthright to you, dumbass," Felix said.

"Oh right," Adrien said.

"You did tell him that his ass is yours?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, his ass is mine now since he's done for it," Adrien said.

"Threaten him again. Nino needs his life back" Felix said, gesturing to Nino who can't stop biting everything to get used to his teeth.

"Fine, this is serious. His primitive thinking will make him lose his humanity. He needs the cure fast and my father better get it together or there will be consequences" Adrien goes back to threaten his father.

Gabriel recovered from the choking but then received a punch in the face by his son, who reappeared.

"I hope you're happy, father! You better get working with Nino's cure or else!" Adrien snarled.

"You dare strike me?!" Gabriel tried to counter him but got kicked in the stomach and then got his wrist grabbed and pinned to the floor with one arm grabbed from behind.

"If Nino doesn't get his cure in time, you're out of the council!" Adrien said.

"I am doing what's right for our people!" Gabriel struggled.

"By making Nino suffer?! He's suffered enough!" Adrien lifts him up.

"Suffering is never the answer to teaching them a lesson! You just like to put fear and trauma towards humans! Just like you tried to do with Nathalie and Gorilla! Don't forget again! Mom would not want to see you becoming a monster!" He released him and hissed angrily, "Nino is my best friend, the only friend I ever had! He's just a child!"

"You've gone soft, Adrien," Gabriel said.

"Which is why I believe in God. Satan is an evil god!" Adrien glared.

"God is no god anymore!" Gabriel glared.

"Shut up!" Adrien slaps him.

"You better work on the cure. Now!" Adrien ordered him, "You want me to be cruel, here it is!"

"Alright! Alright! I'll do it!" Gabriel said.

"Good. And here's another side of my cruelty" Adrien grabbed his father's hand, put it near the window, and opened the curtains to let the sunlight touch.

"AAAAAGH!!!" Gabriel's left hand got burnt.

"Now you understand the torture?" Adrien asked.

"AARGH! Stop this! Please!" Gabriel groaned.

Adrien released him and left the room, hoping his father would work on the cure before Nino loses his humanity and forever become a savage werewolf.

"He better keep his word," Adrien said.

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