Spending time with Wally!

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    Hey oh guys! sorry that this chapter came out later in the week. A bit busy with life and all and plus I suck at story ideas so like a said a couple chapters before, please give meh ideas for this story! My goal is for this story to have at least over 20 chapters! Anyways on with the story!


Wally's pov:

  I look at my love's sleeping face. It is adorable~ I wonder if she had someone before me? I hope not~ They are too precious to have a slob of a parter. I look down to her neck glaring at the necklace. 'This is my chance to get rid of it' I slowing go for her necklace and unlock the lock, taking it off successfully. I look at the necklace I have in my hand. (This idea was suggested by 


 "Thought you could protect her guardian? Well not any more-" I whispered, not wanting to wake you up, and throw the necklace on the ground and stomped on it repeatedly. I was so~ happy I got rid of it. I sweeper the mess under my bed so my love doesn't see it.

  'There we go now I can have my love, I want to spend time with them before I do that though.' I chuckled and laid back down with my love. I could admire them forever~ Their beautiful/handsome face. Their soft (h/c), just (h/l) so they could have it style in a way~ Their beautiful lips~ oh~ how I want to kiss their lips! But! I will do that when I hypothesize them! For now I want to enjoy the real them before I do~ 


Your pov:

   You wake up with a startle. You look around and remembered that you got kidnapped by your friend, Wally, who is lovesick for you. You look to your side and see him, sleeping like a baby. Though you and faintly hear him saying "I'm sleeping" multiple times. It makes you wonder how the hell you slept through the night without waking up once. You try to get out of bed, empathize 'try', Wally practically pulled you down again to him. You grumbled, wanting to get out of bed so you decided to pick Wally's face repeatedly until he let you go. Wally was moving, only his face though.

  Wally opened his eyes slowly and you stared back. For a short while you guys did this, you were feeling tired and weird...like you were supposed to be... nice to him? And caring? But why? He kidnapped you and forced you to be here. Couple more seconds of staring you got tired of it. "Can you let me go? Even though I am 'comfortable' I want to get up." You said, or more like demand. Wally pouted and let you go. 

  You got up instantly and stretched, feeling your muscles and bone cracking and popping. You let out a sigh and a pan of relief, feeling your bones and muscles come undone feels great. (I KNOW RIGHT! who's else likes doing this?) You look back to Wally who is blushing like a madman. You tilted your head a bit confused. 

 "What's up Wally? What got your face all red?" You questioned him but it seems like his blushing got worse.

 "I-I am fine my lo-love! Say, want to paint wi-with me?" Wally stuttered, as he gets up from his bed. 

  "I kind of want to eat and get myself cleaned up before we do any of that." You said as you opened the door and go downstairs.

 "W-Wait my love!" Wally called out and chased after you. You reached the first floor and looked around his house. It all seemed normal and messy, except for the BOARDED UP WINDOW. You wonder if that's how he escaped. Most likely he would have since there's no where else he could have escaped. Wally catches up with you and hugs you from behind. 

"Loooooovvveee~," he whined, "Don't run from me like that!" He seemed like he was trying to lecture you but you rolled your eyes .

  "Sorry but I want t to get food I'm starving!" You headed for the kitchen and looked through the shelves and all. You decided to make pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes exactly. (Sorry if this not what you want you can change it!) You grabbed Wally and pulled him inside. He reply with a "Woah!" As you dragged him in the kitchen. 

Come here my love~ ( Lovesick Wally x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن