Sally's play and a picnic afterward

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THE PICTURE UP THERE IS ADORABLE!!! Credits to the artist that made it!

    It been a few weeks since you moved here. Those dreams you keep having are giving you a creep. Right now you are staring at the ceiling because of your dream last night. Why in the world did you dreamt of him? You shake your head and got up and you do your morning routine. You look at the mirror and give yourself a thumbs up. You hear commotion down stairs filling with a loud- BANG! You run down stairs into the kitchen, to see Max on the floor with pots and pan around him with a pot on his head.

  You stare at him and then laugh! He lifts up the pot and his cheeks gets red. "Don't laugh at me!" He puts the pot back down on his face, embarrassed. "Hahahahahah~! S-sorry it's just this is so fu-funny, hehehe!" You calm down within time and help him clean up. "What we're you doing always?" You ask as you put the lids back where they go. "I was trying to find the pick a nic basket so we can go on a pick a nic." You cringe at how he says "picnic" so you have the urge to correct him, and you do. "It's pronounce "picnic",Max, not "pick a nic". He looks at you dead in the eyes and says,"Pick. A. Nic." You and him both go at this for awhile and you gave up.

   "JEEZ, You can be stubborn anyways-" you go into the pantry and grab the PICNIC basket,"Here you go!" You have it to him and then a knock was heard. You both look at each other and you walk up to the door and open it. There was Sally standing there look happy with costumes in her hand.

  "Hello, my friends! I am here to tell you that my play is today and your going to act in it!" You look at her with wide eyes, as you never been in a play before. "Oh! I didn't know we have to act in the play, I though we were just gonna watch it." You said, nervously, with a small smile. You were hoping you didn't have to be in a play. Max on the other hand. " I would love to be in the play! But me and (Y/N) alright have plans today. We were gonna go on a pick a nick."

  Sally smile got small,"Oh that's okay..." She looks down with her smile deflating but she sprung back up and says, "You can do that after with all of us!" Her smile gotten wider. She then grabs both of your arms and drag you to her house.

I guess your not getting out of this one way or other.

Someone sees this and grows jealous. Why is Sally touching them!? I want to touch them! They should be hanging out and talking to me! I guess I'll have to do something about this. They sigh and look at you one more time and looks away from the window and goes back to what they were doing.

Back with you guys, Sally gave you and Max scripts and you were reading it and saying some of it aloud. And let's just say, you don't want to do this at all. Max could tell because you were trying to hide your nervous feelings and keep a happy one on. Max frowns at this. He doesn't like it when you hide your true feelings just to make others happy. He wants to help so he comes up to you and talks to you for a bit. It helps you as you both kept talking.

Julie comes up to you both, "Hello friends! Are you excited for this because I am!" Julie shouts. "Yea I am, but (Y/N) isn't, this is their first time doing something like this. Usually it's just me doing the play but Sally didn't give her a choice." He says, a bit angry at Sally for ignoring (Y/N)'s feelings. Julie frowns a bit,"Yea...uh... Sally has an ego.... So if she says stuff or ignores your it's just what she does. But once you get to know her better,she's really fun to be around!" Her smile back.

Max already doesn't like Sally any more then now, He hates it when people have egos. But he will have to deal with it for now. Just for (Y/N) and himself so he doesn't embarrass them both. Soon, Sally and everyone was in there costumes and ready to start the play. The play itself is a one of those storys' that is basically, the princess stuck in a tower and the knight has to save them.

Who's the princess? You are. And right now your on top of the tower waiting for your part. You stand there and think about Wally. He is nice and lonesome. He barely has anyone to speak to. Maybe you can find a cure to his sickness. Maybe. As your were thinking your tower starts to move and you were in the spot light.

You froze. You didn't know what to do. What to say. You look at Max with tears starting to come. Max gives you a hopeful look and raises his hands and dose a sign for you to speak. You remember your lines and started to speak. As soon as you were done you looked at who the knight is. It's.... Howdy! Howdy says his lines and continues with the play.

Soon the play was over and everyone was at the picnic area, eating the food the Max packed. Everyone was enjoying it. You looked to see if anyone what looking and tip toed off to see Wally.

Wally sees you walking up to home. He gets excited that his love is coming. He sees you carrying some food too. He loves it when you visit him and bring him food that you made. He sees you place it on the doorstep and home brings it inside. Wally walks up and see food that is fit for a picnic. He grabs some food and walks back to the window to see you waiting for him.

"Hello darling~ How are today~?" He asks as he munches on a sandwich. You look at him with a small smile. "I'm doing okay. I just wish Sally could get rid of her ego for once. All she says is how much of a "star" she is and keeps talking about how I need a new makeover and how I dress." You are already ing stressing about how you look before you came here. But with Sally's words, it makes it worsen.

Wally notices this and gets angry. How dare she! She made my love sad and self conscious. Ahrg... that self centered star. I guess I'll will have to show her not to make my love sad~. "Don't worry darling, you look just as beautiful as you always do everyday~!" You blush at his compliments. He have been giving you so many compliments on everything about you, mostly your (E/C) eyes.

"Thanks for making me feel better. I have to get going now, or else someone will recognize that I'm gone." Wally is still sad to hear you go but since he knows your going to be back tomorrow he will wait, besides you too talk in the phone call too.

Wally watches you leave and go back to the others. He brings his hands to his hair and signs. "Oh~ home aren't they the best! Soon your going to have to let me out of here someday. Because just talking to them isn't enough. I want them to be in my arms and not just outside behind the window. They even had to be out in the rain just to talk to me." He sits down on his chair.

"It's a wonder how they didn't get sick! (Y/N) must have a strong immune system. Oh~ do you think that will help them and that it will let me hold them?!" Home looks at Wally with an angry eye. Home doesn't want Wally to escape and go to you. Yes home does like you but with how Wally's acting he might try to escape to do something to Sally.

"Im sorry home~ but I need to." He picks up his phone and calls Sally. And Sally's answer it. "Hello~ Your are talking to the brightest star!" He grimaced at her "hellos" Then he talks in Julie's voice. "Hello! I called because I need some help with Wally. He is stuck in the basement and home can't help and you come and help me?" He was hoping Sally would say yes, other wise he have to do the hard plan. Sally says yes and that she's on her way.

Wally can't wait to get rid of her~

HOLY MOLY I HAVE 78 READS! Thank you for read this chapter! Also if I make any mistakes tell me. And like I say if you have any ideas or suggestions tell me in the comments! Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!

Word: 1546

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