Chapter 06: Provocation

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"No cursed energy. No Infinity," Satoru declared, his eyes tracing your form, causing an unsettling sensation in you.

"Don't need cursed energy to knock you down."

"Is that so?" Satoru replied with a grin that danced on the edge of mockery.

Without warning, Satoru lunged forward. His fist shot towards you with incredible speed. You twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike. The force of his blow sent a gust of wind through your hair. You countered swiftly, a quick jab aimed at his midsection. Satoru blocked the attack with ease, his forearm absorbing the impact effortlessly.

His grin widened. "You've become stronger."

Yeah, thanks to you fucker.

The exchange intensified, punches and kicks exchanged at lightning speed. You dodged and weaved, avoiding Satoru's blows and responding with calculated moves of your own. Your muscles ached. You struggled to breathe. But you couldn't afford to give in, not against him.

"You have reached your limit," Satoru said between strikes. 

"You don't know my limits," you shot back, countering with a fierce blow of your own.

"Your stubbornness will kill you one day," he spat.

You ducked low to the ground, narrowly evading a menacing blow that had the potential to knock you out cold in a single strike. He was serious.

"You came all the way back just to give me some friendly advice?"

Your body screamed in rebellion against the exhaustion, muscles burning as Satoru's relentless assault forced you into a defensive stance.

"Listen, just because we can't—" His head snapped to the side, narrowly dodging a quick, rage-fueled fist that slammed into the wall where his face had been seconds before. His eyes widened for a moment. You couldn't help but grin at him. A collective gasp cut through the area.

"I don't want to see you dead."

"Trust me, I got this," you said before pulling your fist back, ready to unleash the next punch.

"You're acting like you're tempting fate," Satoru shot back, his attacks quickly pushing you back again. His hand shot forward to seize your leg mid-kick, freezing it in its trajectory towards his midsection. "—pushing your luck."

The audacity this man had. 

Fury blazed within you. Gasping for breath, you gathered your remaining strength and unleashed a violent blow that sent Satoru staggering back.

"Ever thought of just saying you got your ass handed to you by a girl?" 

A shadow flickered across Satoru's features. "You don't want to learn, do you?"

Before you had a chance to spit out a reply, he closed the gap between you. With lightning speed, he launched himself into a swift, low sweep, his leg slicing through the air like a blade. Your back hit the ground with a thud, and in an instant his form bore you down, immobilizing you with his sheer strength.

He hovered over you, pinning your wrists above your head into the unforgiving ground. Any resistance you mustered was crushed under his overwhelming force.

"Get off me, Satoru!"

"You've gotta learn to control that anger."


Your ribs heaved with each strained breath, sweat running through the dirt smeared across your face. Exhaustion bit at your muscles, growling loudly at your stubborn resilience, but surrender wasn't in your vocabulary.

concern and control | satoru gojo x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat