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From the arched hall we took a sharp left turn and I found myself watching Father Marks descending a fairly steep and winding stair case

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From the arched hall we took a sharp left turn and I found myself watching Father Marks descending a fairly steep and winding stair case. I froze, looking back at Gale and Linfa. I didn't know why, but it made me nervous to go down that way.

"Its alright Rin, go on." Linfa told me kindly, placing a hand on my back and guiding me downward, Gale on our heels.

As we descended a bit farther I watched as Father Marks came upon a torch burning on the wall. He took it in hand, looked back with a reassuring smile before continuing on, down into the dark, taking the one source of light with him. This time I hurried to follow, not wanting to trip over my own feet in the dark.

Farther and farther we sank into the earth till I was sure we must have gone down at least five stories. What the heck was down here?

It did not seem I had to wonder for too long, as I started to see a glow emanating from around the next bend in the stairwell. Sure enough I came to a halt when I nearly bumped into Father Marks who was setting his torch into another bracket on the damp stone wall. "Come." He said and there was an echo.

As he entered the room and moved, so he no longer blocked my vision I gasped. I knew I was being baptized and figured that meant a dunking in water like I saw on the television back on earth. Sort of like a priest dunking me in a river, or maybe just a basin of water... what I had not thought to see was an entire under ground reservoir!

But more then that was the clear display of magic in the place. It made me freeze mid step and stare opened mouthed. I knew I was in a world of magic, had even seen Linfa cast spells over her potions and plants, and Seen Gale mumble spells over her weapons to improve their effectiveness. And I had been impressed every time. But this? This was so obviously magical in nature that I found myself rethinking what I had thought magic meant in this world all over again.

The cavern was easily four or five stories high and big enough to fit three or four of our little cabins in it... Back garden and all! The whole thing was built of wet, grey stones and pillars, and As Father Marks advanced into the cavern, fires lit along the walls. The whole floor was covered in cobbles and several inches of water.

But most impressive of all was the shrine or alter, or what ever the huge monolith before me was. It was dead center of the reservoir and circular in shape. Several circular tiers with arched on top, the columns etched in intricate designs. 

And above it all was a huge dome carved in to the ceiling of the cavern where a blue-ish light appeared to be emitting and water rained down as if from a cloud. It was beautiful, mysterious, and wholly impossible in any logical sense. Magic could do this?

A hand on my cold shoulder made me gasp and jump. I stared wide eyed at Gale who was smiling at me, aware that my mind had just been blown sky high. "Impressive, right?"

"How?" Was all I could ask, eyes drawn back to the marvel I found myself standing in.

"It was carved out, enchanted and blessed a very long time ago." Explained Marks, now standing at the foot of the tiered dais, arms folded into his robes. "I believe this specific chamber had been established by His Holiness Brand, ooooh about nine hundred years ago. There are rarely holly mages gifted enough to create such a place at any given time, so these are protected quite heavily."

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