The not Mayor created an Illusion with his own bear hands as the red mist surrounded him. "Listen well, all of you! The princess shall indeed become a beautiful young women just like her father, and beloved by all. However, when she finally encountered by Lady Bone Demon during her journey in the future. She will be unstoppable and kill your precious princess!" The crowd gave out a loud gasps even screamed in horror. "No!" Her mother yelled as she held her child closer while the Not Mayor let out a maniacal laugh that sends a shiver down to Yue's spine until she heard a shout from the Jade Emperor "Seize that man!" Which makes Nezha and the guards got into their attack formation.

And with that, the not Mayor had vanished by the same storm he created. Yue wanted to find some answers until everything went dark, making Yue scared not liking where this is going.

"Soon..." a voice whispers making Yue looked confused. "Huh?" Then the voice whispers again "Soon... little Princess...your destiny is drawing near little Bamboo!" The floor began to crumble and making Yue fall. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Yue screamed while falling.

Dream/memory end

Yue gasped and woke up from her dream as her face was dripping in sweat. Yue wiped off the sweat from her face and decided to go outside in the gardens for some fresh air.

At the Garden

"The garden looks beautiful tonight." Yue said to herself as the fireflies were flying among the water and the plants. "Sigh... am I really human or am I the lost princess of the Celestial Realm?" Yue asked herself as she looked at her reflection in the water until she heard a familiar siren voice.

"Ah, ah, ah,ah"

Yue looked around to see if there's anyone here, but so far she has found none.


Yue kept on searching, the shed, the bridge, the trees, nothing but flowers here either.


Yue looked at the moon, before she looked both ways to make sure no one is following her.


Yue stepped out of the garden and quietly closed the gate.


🎶Yue: "I can hear you, but I won't. Some look for trouble, while others don't."🎶

Yue entered the woods and looked at the moon above her head while singing.

🎶Yue:"There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day. And ignore your whispers, which I wish would go away, oh,oh-oh"🎶


🎶Yue: "oh."🎶

"Ah-ah, oh-oh!"

Yue turned away from the moon and stomped by the river.

🎶Yue: "you're not a voice. You're just a ringing in my ear. And if I hear you which I don't! I'm spoken for, I fear."🎶

She walked at the same tree were Tang found her as a baby. Then saw a vision of her parents leaving baby Yue while having a sad look in their eyes while their tears are falling making Yue feel bad for hating her parents for so long. Then back to reality as she pulled out her phone and looked at pictures of her and her friends.

Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)Where stories live. Discover now