Final Epilouge

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6 years after the chapter "Cheat"

- Winter

I just moved back to California. After me and Moon broke up life got hard. I was a total mess, my grades started to fall, my behavior got rough, and I was sent to the Diamond Trial.

How I survived? Unknown.

But I think I am ready to try again. Not just at life, but at love. There is only one person I love. Moonwatcher Star.

Her and Qibli dated through all of senior year and it was repulsive. But they probably didn't work out, so I am going to go visit Moon and try again.

I love her too much to give up so easily on us. All she has to see is how great we are together. That's all she has to do.

I parked around the corner of Moon's new address and slowly walked down the street.

I arrived at her door and was about to knock when I heard voices.

I walked around to the back gate to where the voices were coming from. Clearly more than one person was here.

And I was very curious.

I planted my foot on a big tree brach and started to climb a tree to see into the backyard.

I settled in a spot where I could hear and see without being seen myself.

I looked into the backyard.

It was quite a sunny day and the flowers bloomed all around the yard.

Moon layed in the middle of a patch of grass.

I smiled at the sight of her. Her hair had grown long again and it sprawled out behind her freely. It shined in the sunlight at certain angles.

She looked more beautiful than she had back jn highschool. And she was so stunning back in highschool. Then sense of maturity bounced off of her.

Her green eyes watched the clouds peacefully. Then she smiled at sat up.

She gasped with the smile still on her face. A toddler waddled into view and jumped into Moon's arms.

And then it happened. Qibli sat down beside Moon. I clenched my fist and a tree branch broke.

He is her friend. Friends check up on friends all the time. Relax Winter.

The toddler turned and looked right at me. I froze.

The toddler was Qibli. She looked just like him.

Oh, Qibli is a dad. How much I hate to admit it, Qibli would be a good dad.

It was hard to imagine 7 year old Qibli so mnay years later as a father.

And then the toddler's eyes locked with mine. Her bright green eyes. Identical to Moon's.


I was so frozen with anger I could barely breathe correctly.

Qibli smiled at this child and kissed Moon quickly. "So, Mrs. Dawn what did you do today?" he asked.

Is he TRYING to provoke me?! Maybe he is aware that I am here.

Moon chuckled. "I cleaned, and got out here for a few hours and read a bit." she replied.

"How was Jade and Firefly's playdate?" Moon asked. "Good I guess. Jade and Firefly were more interested in Jaguar. They took a stickynote and babbled a bunch of uncomprehendable things as if they were zoologists observing an animal. It was hilarious." Qibli said.

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