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- Moon

"I'm sorry Kinkajou but It's really important!" I apologized. "My dad is back and I have never even met him." I said.

She nodded sadly. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door. I walked home and when I got there I saw a black van parked outside our house.

I then got a text from mom.

Dont go in through the front door. If he sees you act like you are either adopted or a servent/ maid got it?

I stared at the text.

Why do I need to pretend? He is my dad shouldn't he meet me as his daughter not his ex wife's servent?

That was to be why he is here right? To meet me.

I shivered at that thought. Mom never said much about him. The few things she had said was his name and how she hated him.

I opened the gate and walked through the back door. I instantly heard talking.

"Secretkeeper. Please we can go away and be happy!" I heard a deep voice say. It dawned on me that this was my father.

I took a deep breath and kept listening. "No! I have a life here that is perfectly fine without you!" I heard mom yell.

"You live in a house all alone. Why would you prefer that over being with me?" He asked.

"I don't live alone!" she yelled.  I could practically  hear my father's glare. "Now, I know you don't live with your petty boyfriend so who is it?" he asked.

"I live with my maid." she said with a huff. "Ha! You want to live with your maid over me?" he said.

"They must be quite special then? I think I shiuld meet them." he said. I heard footsteps. "Uh, ok, uh Moonwatcher please come out so you can meet a guest." she said in a superior way.

This was my cue. I walked through the kitchen door into the living room. I put on my most convincing smile and played along.

I saw a tall man who was bulky and terrifying. He had black hair and dark brown eyes, almost black. He looked me down suspiciously.

"Hello, Secretkeeper. I don't think I have met our guest," I put my hand out, "My name is Moonwatcher." I said politely.

"A teenage maid. Aren't you still in school?" he asked doubtfully. "Why yes, I am. My parents died in a car crash many years ago so I must work to stay alive. Lucky for me dear Secretkeeper was kind enough to leg me stay with her." I said.

I feel like I should use an English accent to complete this cover up. I sound like a British servent to my queen.

Father still looked suspicious. "Now tell me this, how come you look so much like dear Secretkeeper?" he asked.

Oh crap. He is right I do look alot like her.

"Moonwatcher here is my cousin's daughter. We happen to be related and look alot alike aswell." mom said.

Good save mom. Execept when he realizes that both your parents were only childs, our whole cover will be blown.

As if on cue, "Your parents don't have any siblings." he said.

"I know you are lying." he said as he narrowed his eyes at mom.

I glanced at his pocket and saw a gun. I froze. Mom didn't tell me this guy was dangerous!

He looked at me and back at her. "Holy Moons, this is your daughter." he said. I froze.

Cover is officially blown. Mom stood infront of me. "Moonwatcher how old are you?" he asked. "I uh-" I started.

The Lost Outcast Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now