Figure it out

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- Qibli

"Qibli? Qibli? QIBLI!" "Ah, what?!" I yelled as I was suddenly ripped from my amazing dream. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Sirroco menacingly staring at me.

"What?" I moaned tiredly. "Nothing." he said with a smile before leaving my room. I sat up and looked around for my phone.

When I finally found it I picked it up to see the time. "4:00 am?!" I said outloud on accident. I'm the type of person that when they wake up they CANT go back to sleep.

No matter how hard I try I am just awake. I sighed knowing there is no point in trying to go back to bed.  Today was the first day of school and so far It was starting off great.

I know most people would tell me Im being sarcastic but I'm genuinely not. Most first day of school days start with Sirocco or Rattlesnake slapping me until I'm awake. Except they normally do this at 2:00 am.

So far so good. I got out of bed and went to my closet. I decided on a white hoodie and black jeans. Yes this may be August in California but I like being warm. It suits me better.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then looked at the mirror and debated if I should comb my hair or not.

I decided to do it just because its the first day. I went downstairs an saw Cobra in the kitchen. "Qibli." my mother said with a little bit of distaste in her voice

"Yes, Cobra?" I asked immediately. I truthfully hate Cobra. She doesn't even let me call her mom. She hates me with every bone in her body and let's other people abuse me

Even though I don't like this women, I would give anything for her to like me. For her to look at me an feel proud of me.

"You we're awake late today." she said bitterly. "Yes, but-" I started. "No buts, If you talk back again I calling your father." Cobra warned me.

I stopped talking immediately. I nodded in a submissive way and walked outside to grab my stuff.
Breakfast sounded great right now but I haven't earned my food yet so no breakfast for me.

I nervously checked outside and was thankful to see my bag still there. Another crazy rule. Im not worthy to have any belongings inside the house except for hygiene stuff, my phone, a bed, and clothes.

So I have to keep my school stuff outside infront of our front door. I just hide it in the bushes and hope nobody looks too hard at those bushes.

I checked the clock and sighed relief when I realized it was almost 5:00 am. I went back inside and was greeted by Rattlesnake.

She slapped me in the face. I took in a sharp breath if I show any sign of pain I will get beaten much worse.

"Look what I found in your room." she told me in an antagonistic way. She showed me a rubix cube that I had never seen I my entire life.

"Thats not mine." I told her. "Doesn't matter it was in your room. I'm on my way to go tell Cobra right now." she said with an evil grin.

"No, please don't! Anything! Ill do anything!" I quickly said. That stopped her. I mentally slapped myself that was the worst possible thing to say.

"Anything huh? Hmm, $100." she told me holding out her hand expectantly. I sighed. My family may be rich but I have to work for everything I own. I don't even have a $5 in my wallet.

"Rattlesnake I have to go to an ATM but I will give it to you after school I promise." I said. "Oh, its going to be late. Well, adding the late fee it's going to be $150 now." she said defiantly.

I opened my mouth to protest but realized I would rather give up all my money than for dad to find out about anything I did wrong.

"Fine." I said after a moment of thought. "Good." Rattlesnake said before running off to the kitchen with a triumphant smile.

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