Twice DnD | Part 3

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Haeju starts to gain her consciousness back. Her head feels so heavy. She opens her eyes and slowly adjusts her sight, after she realizes that she's in the corner of a tavern. She's sitting surrounded by her teammates. They're all scolded by Mina. Haeju tries to hear what Mina says.

"...This was exactly what I expected from my team," Mina exclaims, "Losers. Disappointing. Cannot even deal with stupid creatures like that. This... Ugh... How can you be a field agent if you're still this bad?" Mina looks at everyone. Nobody can answer her question. Then she continues speaking, "This is gonna be your last chance, okay? I just got an info from the post. There's a little tribe around here. They've approached by our team before. I need you all to just convince them one more time to move to Twicetopia. This is gonna be an easiest mission yet. I hope you can finish it and get back to the city. After that, I might need to reassemble this team, I don't know. I'll talk to the higher ups," she says.

The others look so sad. Tzuyu stares at her supervisor with a cold stare, she feels guilty and weak. Chaeyoung looks blankly at the floor, can't even look up at Mina. Sana isn't holding her lute, she's not in the mood. Haeju realizes the situation. She understands if no one even notices her waking up. 

She's just an intern, anyway. She's supposed to help everyone, not fainted like this. That's what Haeju thinks.


Mina goes back to the post while the team is handed the map to where they need to go. But as they walk further, the sky gets reddened as the sun sets. Sana casts a spell that produces a floating light ball.

Chaeyoung turns back and see her teammates. Everyone looks tired, "Team, we need to make a camp. Let's take a rest here tonight," she says.
"Isn't it dangeous? What if we're attacked by animals again like before?" Tzuyu asks.
"I will protect you all with my life this time. I promise," she says again. Everybody looks a little bit cheered up hearing that, "Haeju, do you bring the foldable tents?"
"Yes! It's on my backpack," she answers.
"Let's all help Haeju to set it up," Chaeyoung commands.
"I can create a magical bonfire. We just need some dry sticks to make it lasts long, I think," Sana says.
"Good. Tzuyu, you help Sana to find some woods or sticks because you've been in this forest before," Chaeyoung says.
"Got it. Let's go, Sana. Before the sky gets darker," Tzuyu says. Sana and Tzuyu leave their belongings to the team and goes away. Haeju follows Chaeyoung as she decided where they will set up their tents. Somehow, preparing for camp makes them a little bit more excited.

After Haeju takes out the stuff that they need from her huge bag, she does a ritual spell to summon an unseen force. She opens her spellbook and starts to recite an unknown language for Chaeyoung. It doesn't as scary as Mina's spells in the morning, but she's still amazed with what Haeju does. 

After a short time, it seems like Haeju is done with her ritual. She closes her book, gets up, and starts to help Chaeyoung to set the tent again. But before Chaeyoung gets to say anything, Haeju exclaims to the air, "Sets up the plates and cups for 4 people sitting in a circle!" Suddenly, those things float as if someone's controlling them. They flies then placed well as Haeju instructed. 

"Wow!" Chaeyoung exclaims, "How do you do that?"
"I know, it's kinda lame but it's useful. Just tell me a specific instruction and I'll tell them what to do," Haeju says.
"My unseen servant."
"Ah, uhm okay, can they hammer this part?" Chaeyoung says doutfully.
Haeju gets an idea, "Do any commands that Chaeyoung says!" she exclaims. Suddenly, the force takes Chaeyoung hammers the nail perfectly, "The command is yours now. Just say anything that you want. If you excuse me, now I'll do another ritual to cast another spell. That servant will help you," Haeju says.
"Uh okay. That's great, Haeju!" Chaeyoung says. Haeju smiles hearing that.

After Chaeyoung gets used to be helped by the unseen servant, Haeju says that she's gonna detect any dangerous magic around them. She opens her spellbook, sits down, and starts the ritual.

Meanwhile, Tzuyu and Sana are collecting some dry woods on the ground. The floating light is following them. Tzuyu uses her dagger to cut the big ones, so they can bring them. Sana takes one big but short log with a bunch of small sticks on it, "Is this enough?" Sana asks Tzuyu. Her head is fully covered by the log she brings.
"Yeah, it's good enough. But can you bring them?"
Sana's legs are shaking. She takes one step, two steps, three steps, "This. Is. Hea. Vy."
Tzuyu comes and takes the woods from Sana, "Here, let me help you. Just bring the small sticks."
"Aww, I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Anway, you've done well with the-"
"-the song???" Sana cuts Tzuyu.
"The magic," she says. After that, Tzuyu sees that the light seems light it's jumping around. It seems happy. Meanwhile, Sana just stands there like an ice statue and gets blushing.

It doesn't take long to set up everything thanks to Haeju's servant. She even casts a spell to protect the tent with an unseen shield. Before, Chaeyoung was determined to protect her new team. But now, it feels like she's the one who gets helped the most by her teammates. She lowkey prouds of them. Now they just need Tzuyu and Sana to come back so they can create the bonfire. 

After a while, the two comes back with the dry wood. But something is fishy. Tzuyu smiles so widely while bringing those woods. Her eyes, at the other hand, look empty. Sana is giggling.

"Hey guys, we're back!" Tzuyu yells excitedly.
"Are you okay, Tzuyu?" Haeju asks her while sitting in a huge stone. Chaeyoung is sitting at the edge of a long and huge log that they found.
"I've never felt better, Haeju! Let me introduce you to my new girlfriend!" Tzuyu says again with her voice deepened.
"You have a girlfriend???"
"Yes! Her name is Minatozaki Sana!" she says confidently.
"WHAT???" Haeju falls to the ground.
"Oh God..." Chaeyoung groans, knowing what's going on.
"HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN???" Haeju sounds like she lost it.
"I looked at her eyes and I fell in love with her, just like that," Tzuyu answers. Now she sounds more like a robot.
"Okay, I'm happy for you two, but... WHAT???"
Chaeyoung stares at Sana who looks so guilty, "Sana, you charmed her, didn't you?"
"Sorry?" she says, "She was kinda annoying back there."
"Okay okay, calm down. Geez... It won't take long, I promise," Sana defends herself.
"Well, you can't undo that now, can you?!" Chaeyoung asks.
"No, of course I can't!" Sana yells back.
"Oh God... Fine, let's just start the fire. So we all can eat," Chaeyoung tells her.
"I don't hear anyone saying 'please'~"
"Okay okay, sorry," Sana puts the sticks in the middle of the plate setting, helped by Chaeyoung, before Sana plays her guitar and casts a magical fire.
"Sana is amazing!" Tzuyu says, still under the spell.
"Yeah, thank you, Sana" Chaeyoung holds herself not to get angry.
The same as Sana, "You're welcome," she says.
"I love Sana so much!" Tzuyu exclaims.
"Thanks, Babe. You're the best here," Sana says.
"Gross," Chaeyoung mumbles.

Meanwhile, Haeju's jaw is dropped this whole time.

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