End of A Day (Jonghyun Special)

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(a/n: This story was made right after the announcement of late Jonghyun (SHINee)'s passing. Dedicated to him.)

"Oppaaaa~" I run excitingly at the hallway. I don't care if the TV staffs look at me weirdly.

"Wwaaaa.... Haeju-da!" He receives my hug as soon as I catch him up. We're hugging not for so long tho. "It's been a while, Oppa! I'm actually surprised you still remember me!"

"You're an idol now. How can anyone not recognize you? Haha..." He looks so bright today. His white hair looks so neat, he's wearing a black coat and bringing a mic.

"Are you going to perform?" I ask.

"Ngg... Are you?"

"Yes, me too! Solo?"

"Ah, you're doing solo now? Congrats...."

"No no, I'm asking you. Are you going to perform solo?" I correct myself quickly.

"Aah.... Yes, I am. Where are the other members, Haeju?"

"Oh, you want to meet them?!" I get so excited all of sudden. That makes my cheeks warm as soon as I realize it.

"Yeah, I'd love to! I want to know what kind of friends this little girl has," He my head playfully.

"Ah, Oppa! Don't do that~ Arasseo, I will bring you but promise me to bring me meeting the other Shinee members too one day. Okay?"

He shows me his thumb and that sweet smile. "Okay!" After that, I grab his hand and lead him to our dressing room. On our way, he jokes, "So, you're into muscular boy band idols huh? My friends will be perfect for you."

"Aang~ What's wrong with you?"

"Haha... How are you, Haeju?" He suddenly asks.

"I'm fine!"

How about you?

He is so happy when I introduce him to the members. Sana, Dahyun, and Nayeon are so bubbly in front of him. Jeongyeon and Tzuyu treat him really friendly. Chaeyoung looks so shy in front him, especially when she asks his photograph on Chaeyoung's secret Jonghyun Oppa's solo album. Jihyo kindly introduces everyone to him. Mina gives him our latest album. He asks us to sign it. "Aren't you going to ask for their phone numbers too?"

"I can ask you that later," He whispers but we all can hear that. That makes us chuckle. "But seriously, I need your number, Haeju. May I?"

"Sure, Oppa! Ngg.... Wait, I'll look for a paper." I enter our room and take a notebook from my bag. I come out quickly and give it to him. "Ah, right...." I take it back, grab a marker and write my numbers on it. I rip the paper and give that piece to him. "Here...."

"Thank you! I'm afraid now I need to go back...."


"I'll text you, okay?" He says to me while standing up. "Bye, guys! Sorry I can't give you anything in return" He waves to us.

"It's okaaay"

"Annyeong, sunbaenim~"

"Nice to meet you...!"

"Enjoy the album!"

"See you later, Oppa!" I shout to him. He smiles hearing that. "I'm really gonna miss you......" I mumble.


After that meeting, we text each other for several times. Not so often as I'm so busy (so is he, duh). One day, he asks me to meet in a cafe. He says there's something he wants to talk about. Important. I ask him if I may bring a friend with me as I'm afraid it will be awkward if it's just both of us. People who see it might misunderstand. He allows me. And now, here I am, walking to a cafe that's apparently not so far from our dorm. Tzuyu is with me.

Twice's 10th Member HaejuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang