Tzuyu's Fanfiction - Part 3

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The day after that I really went to the mall with Nayeon. She looked surprised when I said that it was my birthday that day. Then I asked her to accompany me buying some hairbands and cute pens. I also bought tteokpokki for the members. Nayeon bought a pair of pajamas as it was her first reason why she went to this mall. After we ate some ice creams and saw-sight a little bit more, we cameback to the dorm. On the way home I got a text from Sana saying happy birthday to me. I was surprised she remembered it! Sana was so cute, as always.

What more surprising was all the members actually remembered my birthday! They had prepared a little birthday party for me. I was so speechless at that time. I really didn't expect that. It was not long since I had joined the group and yet they already made me something special like this. I saw some decorations, a pile of gifts and a big white cake in the middle of the room. I was really touched. Nayeon said taking me to the mall was the part of their plan so they could prepare all of this. When she said that I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I hugged Nayeon and cried. Immediately the others hugged me too. A sudden group hug! The most amazing group hug in my life....

After singing the birthday song and some other stuffs, it was the time to slice the cake. "White is actually my favourite color, guys, how do you know?" I asked them.

"It was actually chocolate inside,"Jeongyeon said.

"Oh really? A white chocolate?!" I suddenl realized something from what I just said. This could be like the white day tradition from Japan! When the one who received chocolate on valentine's day gave a white chocolate in return. This might have been arranged by the anonymous sender. "Jeongyeon-a, whose idea to buy this cake?" I asked her.

"Hmm...." Jeongyeon tried to remember it. "I was with Tzuyu and Sana there. If I'm not wrong, it was Sana who told me to......."

"Yes, it was Sana unnie's idea!" Tzuyu said.

I immediately looked at Tzuyu, trying to read her expression. Then I looked at Sana. She said nothing except smiling awkwardly to me. That made me sure about who the sender was. That time I knew who I would give this first piece of cake to, the special person who had given me beautiful memories these last few days. "Can you guys all stand near me please?" I asked them and then everyone went around the cake. Sana was right on my left side and Tzuyu was beside me on the right. I sliced the cake carefully becase this is so special to me. I put it on a plate and then gave the cake to.......................


I look at Tzuyu and then laugh so hard. "Whaaaaaat??" I exclaim as I'm so shocked with what I just read. "Why does your fan fiction end here???" I ask her.

"I told you that I had no idea how to finish it!" Tzuyu says before takes a sip of her strawberry milkshake that's almost empty. I just realize my last order hasn't arrived yet. Maybe I should remind the waiter later. 

"Hmm okaayyy... But why do you end it right in the climax? Oh my God, I don't think I can't sleep tonight. I'm so curious about what will happen next!" I speak dramatically.

"Hehehe... But what do you think about the story, Unnie? I think my grammar is so terrible!" Tzuyu write it on english so she can practice what she has studied with me.

"No no! This is not bad, Tzuyu. I would say your english has been improved so much! I also like the story because it's simple yet it's enjoyable. And that's the most important thing in writing story anyway," I tell her my honest opinion about it.

"Hehe... I'm glad it's understandable. Thank you. I will practice more!" she says before giving her cute smile, one of the best thing you can enjoy by having Tzuyu as your friend.

"But you know what? I can't handle this anymore!" I say. I grab my purse and take a pen out of it. "May I continue the story, dear? I'm really excited with this story and I can't let this hanged like this. You still can continue it later. I'll just write my version of the ending."

"Of course, it's okay! I'm actually so happy if I can collaborate with you here," Tzuyu says,"After duet on singing, now in writing story!"

"Okay, then!" I answer her,"Here we go!"

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