The Supernatural Coincidences PART 5

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As usual, Sana blames herself for this situation. Although she doesn't understand the big picture, she knows who to blame for her breaking up with Tzuyu. She's the one who's crying doesn't make all her fault. She shouldn't believe in a fortune teller, she shouldn't take a relationship easily, she shouldn't put her feelings too much, and most importantly, she shouldn't involve a STRANGER in this situation. "I don't believe in magic anymore!" she yells. Sana blames them heartfully.
Now Tzuyu is on her way to pick up Sana and she doesn't know what to expect. "I will take it if she's angry with me. I won't fight back if she slaps me or anything. She has the right to be angry," she says to herself. Sana thinks it's the best to expect the worse. But whatever Tzuyu will do to her, Sana has fallen for her. She will love her anyway.

Sana is surprised to hear what Tzuyu said. "So... You're a psychic too???" she's confirming.
"I used to be. Yes," Tzuyu answers shortly.
"Whoaa... Daebak! So, what are we going to do now?"
"I want to meet the seer who read your fortune."
"Just bring me to her. You'll see..."
"Alright!" Sana answers excitingly. She's happy to know that she was dating someone who can do something supernatural like Tzuyu. She has been obsessed with it for a long time. She thinks it will be great to have a personal fortune teller at home. "I shouldn't break up with her.. Hihi!"

(Supernatural Coincidences: The Ex)

Mina reads the update of my fanfic with Tzuyu. "So when they met Madam Jihyo-"
"Ma. Dam. Jihyo?" Tzuyu tries to pronounce that.
"Yup, that's correct," I tell her.
"In front of Madam Jihyo, Tzuyu pretends that she's not a tarot reader?" Mina asks.
"Interesting... She just wants to test Jihyo's skill. From that, we know that Tzuyu might have a lot of experiences. This is not the end of chapter 4, right?"
"Not yet," I answer her.
"Jihyo could be wrong then. I guess it will be interesting if Tzuyu isn't Sana's destined partner. Jihyo read it wrong and Sana believed her. Will it be like that? Ahh... that's why Sana doesn't feel comfortable with Tzuyu. They're not meant to each other. It's just a mistake that both of them are together. Sana's blunt confession at the bus stop happened because of Jihyo's inexperienced reading skill. Aww, ottokke..." Mina tries to analyze my story.
"Jihyo Unnie is a fraud? Nice nice," Tzuyu talks to herself.
I reach Tzuyu's shoulder. "That's exactly what I think. I don't know if it's good or not, I want people to think Sana and Tzuyu are not destined. I'm kinda want to break the readers' heart in this chapter, hehe..." I tell Mina. "BUT!"
Mina smirks. "But...?"
I continue my sentence, "Because Tzuyu is also a tarot reader, so she can read Sana's future about her love life, right?" I try to provoke her mind, "Get it?"
"Tzuyu will read Sana's fortune! Aaaahhh, I know where this is going. Oooh, you have to make it touching then! You have to make it that Tzuyu and Sana seem like they have no future together before Tzuyu reads Sana. People must think that way before you give out the twist. Sana will be the representative of the readers who lowkey wishes that Tzuyu is actually meant for Sana. OR... Are you planning to make a sad ending?" Mina asks.
"I don't know. It can also be a lesson for Sana not to depend your life on something like, you know, MAGIC. If it's like that, the story must have a sad ending. But my original plan is a happy ending, the same with what you tell me just now. You guess it accurately. More less," I say.
"I see... I like it, Ju! I like the direction that you take. Good job, good job," Mina gives her thumbs to me.
"Thank youuu~!"
"I like your story too, Unnie. I will support it until the end," our maknae says. She's speaking gibberish, I know. This whole discussion is a garbage.
"Aww, come here you," I hug her. I reach my arm so I can huge Mina as well. That makes three of us are hugging together. Suddenly, I'm touched. Right now I'm with the best friends I ever have. These two people are the best persons that I can use out of the other members. I'm so happy that I own them, they who can always satisfy my ego. My life is all about my world that I manipulate. It's all about me! I feel so grateful to live like this. 

My life feels like a happy ending!

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now