"Why would he risk losing you for my sake?"

"Because he loves you!"

It felt like everything around me suddenly stopped. "W-What?"

"I know he admitted a lot today, but he didn't say nearly enough if you don't realize that." Floyd seemed frustrated, probably at Jade and not me.

"I just... I mean, I know he cares, but... love? I would not have thought..."

Floyd nodded. "I know. He does his best to hide it. You don't realize how much he thinks of you and does for you. He often pushes it off on me so you'll feel affection for me instead of him." He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "He doesn't invite you to hang out as much as he wants to. Probably never, actually. He's holding back, and I can't get him to stop."

"Wow..." I let that information sink in in for a moment.

"Maybe you could talk about this later?" Epel suggested. "We're going to lose Rook's trail."

"Anyway," said Floyd, "Jade decided it was best if I stayed with you. We should have faith in him like he has faith in us."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Alright. Let's go."

The three of us quickly made it to the gym's storage to collect brooms. We were soon outside and ready to go. "Okay, Little Shrimpy," Floyd said as he got on his broom, "you can come with me."

I was about to agree when I remembered something. "Uh, no thanks, Floyd. Mermen and flying do not mix. Can I go with you, Epel?"

"Sure," Epel said, sounding slightly confused.

Floyd frowned. "Ah, I'm better at flying than Jade and Azul."

"Which isn't saying much." I smiled at Epel before getting on his broom behind him.

Floyd's eyes narrowed at Epel. "Fine, but you better not let anything happen to her, Guppy."

"O-Of course, Floyd," Epel said. "I'll keep her safe. Shall we be off?"

"I'm ready," I said. Then we were in the air. It took a little searching, but eventually we spotted someone else flying in the sky. It did not take us too long to catch up to Rook. We started shouting his name as soon as we neared him. The look of surprise on his face was priceless.

"We finally caught up to you!" Epel said. "NOW GIT ON BACK HERE!"

"Pull that broom over right now!" I said.

"Or I'm going to squeeze you!" said Floyd.

"Epel?!" Rook exclaimed. "Ona?! Floyd?! You came after me?"

"Why wouldn't we?" said Epel. "Yer outta yer apple-pickin' mind if you thought we'd just sit around! Like Ah'd ever let you go alone! We're comin' with ya!"

"Oh là là! That you must not do, Monsieur Pommette. It's much too dangerous!"

"Ain't it the same for you?! You couldn't do diddly-squat against those armored varmints!"

Rook hesitated. "Well..."

"If I were there, I would have crushed 'em," said Floyd.

"If you ain't gonna stop, Ah'll smack you offa that broom mahself!" Epel shouted. "Ah'll light yer whole broomstick on fire! Eat this!" He cast a spell, and the broom started moving wildly.

"Hey! You're flying worse than me!"

"Confound it! Ah can't control the broom an' cast at the same time..."

"We're tilting!" I exclaimed.

"Non!" said Rook. "Stop this, Epel!"

"Ah'll stop when you do!" said Epel. "Hrah!" He cast another spell, which Rook dodged. "Urgh... I can keep goin'! One more shot!"

Waves of Destiny (Twisted Wonderland)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن