Chapter 28 -Fatherhood & Marriage 🖤

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3rd Person (P.O.V)

Jasper returned back to the cabin with an arm full of groceries and a few other items Winter had put on her list. He removed his jacket and boots at the entrance. It was a bit intimidating as he's never had to physically go shopping since before he was turned and after joining the Cullen's, Alice took care of his wardrobe before he started shopping online as he and his sister didn't have the same taste in clothing.

As he was sitting down the grocery bags to put them away, he was hit with a turmoil of emotions which ranging from shock, fear, happiness, and worry. Jasper used his vampire speed to get to the room, thinking Winter had fallen asleep and was having a nightmare only to find the bed empty and the bathroom door closed.

Winter was startled as she heard a light knock on the door. She clutched the sealed pregnancy test to her chest as she heard Jasper's voice. "Winter darlin are you alright in there". Jasper asked as he knew the restroom was off-limits unless told otherwise.

"I'm fine Jaz. You can come in". Winter whispered her voice full of emotion, had Jasper been human he wouldn't have heard her. He open the door to find his mate sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest, her cheeks tear stained.

"Darlin what's going on?". Jasper asked as he immediately rushed to her worriedly, he wondered how long she had been in there as he hadn't been gone more than an hour. Winter knew he could feel her emotions, but she refused to look at him, knowing he would probably see more.

"We wouldn't be able to go skiing". Winter whispered not wanting to do anything dangerous they could possibly risk their child.

"Is that what your worried about that you can't ski or is it something else?". Jasper asked relief filling him but he was still a bit off edge.

"No, but I do have a surprise for you cowboy". Winter said finally looking into Jasper's eyes. He saw fear and worried written all over them. " We're going to be parents Jaz". She said finally dropping her hands from her chest, the pregnancy test facing up. Jasper froze on his spot, eyes widening.

All the way in Forks Alice Cullen was oblivious to the drastically changing future that was currently happening, in her adopted brother Jasper cabin, as Winter subconsciously use her ability to shield them.

"That can't be possible darlin I'm a vampire". Jasper said shaking his head.

"I'm human Jaz I am very much fertile. I've been feeling off the past couple of weeks. All the tough are positive we've been having unprotected intimacy since our first time together". Winter said as Jasper held the sealed pregnancy test in his hands, looking at the bold positive word on each of them before looking at his mate.

"I'm going to be a father?". Jasper asked had he been human he would have been into shock. He was honestly having difficulties understanding what was going on as fatherhood was never a thought during his immortal life.

"Yea, just to confirm the pregnancy test. We will have to see a doctor as it wasn't a thought that crossed my mind with you being a vampire but I've been sitting here the past hour thinking I'm guessing it doesn't matter that you're immortal so long as your significant other is human it's a high probability of a child being conceived unlike if both parties were vampires". Winter explain as she knew Rosalie would have been a mother by now had that option been possible during her immortal life.

Winter's leg began to cram, she hissed as she slowly tried to get up using the counter as support to help her stand. Jasper was still crouched on the ground still staring at the three pregnancy test.

"What do you want to do?". Jasper asked looking his mate in her eyes.

"I think we should go find a doctor in town and see how everything was going. I want this baby Jaz he or she might be our only chance to be parents as I've accepted I'll be changed down the line". Winter said, resting, her hand on her lower stomach, smiling as Jasper's golden ice landed with her hand, laid many emotions swirling through him.

For the first time in a long time Jasper felt hope and happiness for the life ahead of him, as he only ever felt that with winter, but at the possibility of having a child with the love of his life with something he thought ended with his human life.

"Let's go check on how our littlest darlin is doing". Jasper said as he pressed his forehead on top of Winter's hand that was still pressed to her stomach.

"Are you happy Jasper?". Winter asked worriedly as being parents was never a possibility that crossed her mind. Being a mother was something she excepted she would never have after she learned Jasper was a vampire, to be with her mate she would've let it go.

"I am happy, I'm also in shock something a vampires would never admit to". Jasper said he pulled away getting on his knee, looking as if he was to get up as he continued to speak. "You're giving me the greatest gift in the world, a possibility I thought ended with my human life. Meeting you in that library more than two years ago I felt my life become complete, you are my forever. Having you as my mate makes me the luckiest man in the world, it's still hasn't sunk in that I am going to be a father but I can't wait to see where life takes us. So Winter Archer Swan will you do me the honor of being being my wife?". He said taking Winter off guard as her eyes widen, her lip began to tremble as her eyes filled with tears.

This was a spur of the moment for Jasper as he wasn't planning on proposing. He was saving proposal for a few years down the road but to him it felt right even as an immortal in a different time a part of him would always be Jasper Whitlock. He wanted to marry his mate before their child came into the world.

"Yes, I'm honored to be Mrs. Whitlock". Winter whispered before lowering her head, pressing her lips to his cool ones as the tears freely rolled down her cheeks. "My dad is going to kill you cowboy". She muttered against his lips with a small grin on her face.

"It's a good thing I'm stronger than I look. I love you darlin, I know this wasn't planned your pregnancy and my proposal but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't wait for our family to be completed". Jasper said finally pressing his hand to her lower stomach as he looked into her eyes.

The mated couple saw a bright future ahead of them. They knew no matter what they would stick together and they would do anything for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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