Chapter 4 -Big Sister Equal Big Mouth 🖤

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Winter (P.O.V)

I sighed once the bell rang ending my last class of the day I unfortunately didn't have it with Jasper which totally sucked. I got up from my seat which was close to the door with my Sketch pad in my hand. I walked out the door instantly smiling as I saw Jasper standing against some lockers.

"God I'm never going to get tired of this". I said immediately walking to him. Jasper smiles as he brought me into his arms kissing my forehead.

"Neither will I darlin' your my soulmate". Jasper said which made me look at him shyly as I felt my cheeks turning red. "Do you have any plans after school??". Jasper asked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I let us to the main office as I had to give in my schedule.

"Unfortunately I do, me and Bella have to meet dad at the diner for an awkward family dinner". I said sighing as I wasn't in the mood for the train wreck that would surely happen although majority of the time I found it hilarious.

"Alright snowflake but tomorrow your all mine". Jasper said in his deep southern accent that made me feel butterflies in my stomach and the temperature in my body rise and my mind started wandering.

I always imagine how it would be during our first time even though it's been a while since I had attempted to take our relationship to the next level. Jasper wasn't like any boy I've ever met who would immediately jump at the chance of having sex. That's One of the many reasons why I'm so in love with him and trust him with everything I have.

I was snapped back to reality as we were already in front of the main office. I saw Edward hurrying out of the office as the door roughly closing behind him and a few second later Bella walked out. She didn't even notice us as she wiped a tear away walking in the opposite direction. A groan escape my lips as I knew I was going after her to make sure she was okay. Even though we don't get along and I won't admit it out loud she was still my sister.

"I'll text you later Jaz". I said spinning around pecking his lips not giving him a chance to speak. I hurried into the main office leaving the slip on the table as the secretary was busy on the phone.


I sighed as I pulled into the diner I had been a little slow reaching Bella. She had quickly pulled out of the parking lot as I was walking down the school steps. I has started walking to where I had parked to have my attention drawn to where the Cullen usually park to see Emmett and Edward heatedly arguing.

I chose to mind my own business and continued to walk to my bike. I started the ignition about to put on my helmet when I noticed Jasper standing near Emmett joining the heated argument the Edward getting into his car pulling out furiously. Jasper noticed me he smiled slightly at me before getting into Emmett Jeep.

I sighed as I removed my helmet and turned off the ignition. I had parked in between the space of my dad's cruiser and Bella's truck. I quickly put the helmet in the small trunk and made my way inside since I was late. I walked into the diner to see my dad and Bella eating.

"Sorry I'm late daddy". I said startling him as I kissed his cheek.

"It's fine princess". Dad said after regaining his composure. "I ordered you favorite". Dad said as I took my seat next to him across from Bella to see a bacon cheeseburger and waffle fries.

"Your the best Daddy". I said grinning as I grabbed the ketchup.

"So how was school did you girls meet anyone or make friends??". Dad asked as he took a bite from a fry.

"It was fine". I said shrugging as I squeeze some of the ketchup onto my fries.

"We met a couple people". Bella said playing with her food. "Do you know the Cullen family??". Bella asked making my head snap up to glare at her.

"Yea why??". Dad asked putting down his mug ignorant to my glaring at Bella. "Are people talking about them again?". Dad asked causing me to look at him with a frown.

"A little bit". Bella said looking at dad.

"It's only because they're newcomers. The Cullen's have been nothing but nice ever since they moved to town. They are a good family his kids don't give any problems like some of the ruffians around here". Dad said making me smile inwardly.

After that it was pretty much quiet as I just sat there thinking. I knew that I would have to talk to my dad soon I've always hated the fact that I had to hide my relationship from him but I was afraid he would stop me from seeing Jasper.


I was at my desk finishing up my homework when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it seeing an unknown number flash across the screen. I frown before answering it although I don't normally do that often but also know my mom and how bad she is with technology it's a 50-50 it's her.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young lady about the secret boyfriend of yours". Mom said making my eyes widen.

I quickly drop the call before throwing the phone on the bed quickly heading out the door barging into Bella's room closing the door behind me. "You had absolutely no right to tell mom about Jasper". I said glaring at her as she looked at me confused.

"It slipped out I made a comment about it to mom. Plus she and Charlie have a right to know". Bella said shrugging her shoulders.

"It isn't any of your business I'm the one who should tell them. Also for the love of god stop calling dad by his first name you might not care about his feelings but I do". I hissed at her as her eyes widen.

Bella didn't have a chance to respond before we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Dad looking at me worriedly. "Is everything okay in there?". Dad sad looking between me and Bella as I have open the door wider.

"Everything fine daddy we were just having a sisterly chat". I said smiling innocently.

"Oh okay". Dad said obviously not buying it. I glare back at Bella before walking out of the room closing my door behind me.

I was so going to prank her for her opening her big mouth when no one told her to. My bad mood went away when I picked up my phone to see a text message from Jasper. I couldn't wait till tomorrow just to see him and spend some more time together.

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