Chapter 22 -Worries & Relocation 🖤

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3rd Person (P.O.V)

Charlie walked through the hospital hallway, sipping on horrible hospital coffee. It had been more than 24 hours since Bella attacked Winter fortunately he got in contact with Dr. Cullen, who had given him Jasper's number.

Their phone conversation ringing in his mind. "Is she alright Jasper?". Charlie asked worriedly.

Jasper stood in the room doorway as he watched his mate. "No she isn't Mr Swan, the incident with Isabella....". Jasper graded his teeth as he tried not to spit the name out of his mouth. " Was the final straw for Winter. She doesn't feel safe with Isabella around anymore. With all the drama recently has put an emotional drain on her, she's barely spoken. I've had to coax her to eat something as she spends most of her time just sleeping". Jasper said as he tried to stay calm with everything that's happened the past three days.

Even when Winter try to stay away from the drama between Edward and Bella somehow she continuously was dragged backed into it. Jasper hoped Charlie would work something out to have Bella leave forks or he would take matters into his own hands and take his snowflake away.

Charlie sighed he fell devastated as he knew there was no coming back for his girls to ever have a relationship. He loved Bella but Winter was his little girl they had a strong bond that unfortunately wasn't strong with his oldest, it wasn't by his choice he had to do what was best for his girls.

"Jasper when Winter is up will you please have her call me. I trust you with my little girl, but I need to be sure for myself. I talked to your father and arrange for Winter to stay with your family for a bit until everything is sorted with Bella relocating to Jacksonville with Renee". Charlie said running his fingers through his messy hair.

Charlie was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name being called he turned around to see Renee speeding towards him with a worried expression on her face. "Are the girls alright, where are they?". Renee asked frantically while trying to catch her breath.

"No Renee neither of the girls are alright". Charlie sighed as Renee got more worried. "As I told you on the phone Bella attack Winter, I signed off to have Bella evaluated to which the Doctor recommended to have her admitted in a facility for at least six months". Charlie said with a painful expression, as Renee eyes widened.

"What about Winter?". Renee asked although she wasn't close with her youngest she still loved her deeply.

"After Bella attacked her, she went to stay with her boyfriend Jasper. I don't know if she told you or not. She's been seeing Dr. Cullen boy the last few years now and I've spoken to Dr. Cullen of her staying with him until we sort everything out with Bella". Charlie said as he was both physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted but try to stay together.

"What do you think we should do Charlie?". Renee asked even though their marriage didn't work out she still cared for him. He gave her the two biggest joys in her world even though she admits she always has a carefree attitude she still loved her girls.

"As much as it hurts for me to say, I think it's better if Bella is transferred to a facility in Jacksonville to get the help she needs and for Winter to stay with me, they need to be separated". Charlie said sadly as Renee pulled him into a hug.

"We will get through this together, Charlie". Renee whispered as she knew for the sake of their girls they were going to have to work together.


Winter stared at the ceiling going over everything that has happened the last 72 hours in her mind. Her and Bella have never been close, but this had been taken to another level that she wasn't sure she wanted to salvage.

Winter knew she wasn't alone as she fell eyes on her. She knew Jasper was sitting a few feet away, but she hadn't made an any effort to speak, as she still had a hard time processing everything but knew she needed to pull it together.

"Your dad called a few hours ago snowflake". Jasper said as he watched his mate stare into space but knew she was aware of his presence.

"What did he said?". Winter asked in a raspy voice as she had barely spoken since Jasper picked her up.

"Charlie talked to Carlisle to have you stay with us for a while, Bella is being relocated to be with your mom. I heard from Carlisle that your dad had your sister admitted for a psych evaluation". Jasper said as he had dragged the chair over to Winter's bedside and held her hand in his.

"Did Carlisle say anything else?". Winter asked turning her head to look at Jasper's dark eyes. "Jaz when was the last time you hunted". Winter said worriedly as she sat up.

"To answer your first question Carlisle didn't say anything else due to hospital policies. As for hunting the last time was before the Edward incident, I didn't want to leave you alone". Jasper said running his finger across Winter's cheek.

"I'm sorry for being out of it". Winter whispered as she leaned into his touch.

"There's no reason for you to apologize for anything snowflake. You were just exhausted with everything that's happened but it will get better". Jasper said smiling as he looked into her icy blue eyes.

"I love you Jaz". Winter said giving him a small smile the first she had given in days.

"I love you too Darling". Jasper said picking up her hand placing a kiss to the back of it.

Jasper would have Winter call her dad soon but right now he wanted to give her a chance to clear her mind.

Little did he know with everything that's happened made Winter decided it was time to take their relationship to the next level.

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