⋆。♬ 𖥔 ☾ 。⋆ Chapter Three

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Mitchie's Idea for the next morning was to challenge camp star to a final jam, once we were finally at the camp star campus Mitchie said what needed to be said and camp star agreed. Now the small gang that went with now scattered back to the canoes we came on— Ella was with me on the canoe she was rowing while I stared at the water, I felt bad she was the only one with an ore but she insisted it was okay. Once we finally made it back to camp we went back to the main hall for a meet up on songs to possibly sing— across the room as we waited for Mitchie I glanced at Jason ever so slightly... and possibly not so slightly without realizing it, just then Mitchie came in making me almost slip of my chair— "I wrote this song a long time ago but I think it could work.." she said showing the paper and Nate grabbed it "it's a duet—" he said confused "now, but I think I could rewrite it and make a part for everybody—" Mitchie said "or we a can rewrite it" Shane added smiling at Mitchie "I lay pretty pretty flowers on your grave... am I the only one who thinks this song is like, totally depressing?" Ella blurted and I glanced at the page then flipped it "you're on the wrong page.." I laughed slightly "yeah that song was for my hamsters funeral—" Mitchie said also letting out a laugh "oh this is perfect—" - "the standing could be pretty cool," - "yeah looks like there's some great spots for dancing" - "and it's got a great groove" Ella, Peggy, Caitlyn, and sander all chimed in "well, before we get ahead of our self's guys I've got a couple conditions..." Jason said now seated "you've got conditions?" Nate questioned "yes, well- a condition.. there has to be a spot for my— Er- our junior rockers" Jason started and stopped then gestured to me and himself "agreed." I said simply smiling at Jason then to myself, waiting for Mitchies answer "of course, that's what this is all about.. so what do you guys think?" Mitchie smiled and everyone said their 'im in's and 'let's do it's "I think somebody should talk to uncle brown.." Shane spoke up "why? I already know what he's gonna say" Mitchie said with a slightly joking but knowing tone ———
"Good morning camp rock— a message from Mitchie Torres, all rockers please report to the main stage immediately— yeah that means you— keep moving!" The inter one blared as I woke up along with Ella and Peggy "what....? Oh— OH-" I quickly realized what was happening and got dressed into whatever I could find at the bottom of my still packed suitcase— a T-Shirt and pants? That'll do, generic but fine- I pulled on my shoes and lugged my tired ass over to the main hall. "Alright rockers, there are new schedules out on the board. From this moment on, everything is about winning the competition. Everything we have to be completely focused!—..." Mitchie said sternly through the microphone one of the guys asked about water skiing and swimming but Mitchie just turned to his microphone still ringing with her words of 'focus' "seriously guys if we wanna save this camp we have to put all of our energies into this, and make it the best performance that any of us have ever put on. I mean we might have our doubters but we have come way too far just to back down. Agreed?" Everyone chanted agreed after her "alright now, let's go get to work...... Now!"— she yelled the last word through the mic and everyone went on their way, along with us— back to our positions as counselors, ——— a bunch of tiny kid voices Bursting our eardrums over weather or not they'd be in the final jam "guys guys, relax she didn't say no she said she'd think about it—" Jason said, once again I was sitting down with the little girl from before, this time slightly daydreaming— about what? I cant tell you... and it's definitely no one in this room— I jerked up as the door to the arts and crafts room was creaked open it was— Shane —of course it was, "all work and no spray.. makes a very un happy rocker, so I've got a proposition for you guys.. you think you're up for it?" Shane asked with a try hard mysterious tone— Jason and I both looked towards each other confused then look back at Shane as the kids nodded their heads—— "wait so what's going on..?" I asked Shane as we walked out of the arts and crafts room with the kids off to a random storage shed, with buckets, water guns, and spray bottles of sorts— "A water fight. That's what—" Shane said blowing dust off the unused buckets and supplies— "alright," I said unfazed but willing to get my off brand clothing soaked, — and so we grabbed the buckets and more to quickly filling them with water loading our pump and squeeze water guns, now running to the outside main stage and squirting the bollox out of the guns along with throwing water balloons me and Jason worked so hard to fill, everyone giggling and laughing also being a little confused. During the commotion one of the junior rockers bumped me over into someone— that someone being Jason— Awkwardly laughing it off I turned to face him properly— water still spraying about "sorry—" I said squinting my eyes from the water, "don't worry about it.." he replied smiling and now staring at me— we stared at each other for a good couple of seconds it was almost as if the camp rockers all around weren't there, you could cut the tension with a knife, but I didn't mind— the moment lasted for awhile before another junior rocker ran through the both of us and we were knocked back to reality. The fight along with the day came to an end. . . And though the sun was gone my thoughts were not, as I tried to lay in bed with my head empty the random thought or two popped into my thought train— 'you know, Jason's pretty cute after all— no 'I mEan CoOl' this time' ... whipping my head into my pillow I tried to compress the thoughts and just drift into unconsciousness, it didn't work too well, but it worked well enough—


(sorry theres not much happening yet im working on two bars of service and my ideas are flanked right now, but enjoy the story as you were :3)

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