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After his parents divorce, Arthur lived with his mom in a 1 bedroom appartement while his siblings stayed with his dad and often visited.

They boy's grades went down and his performances in basket ball too. He had almost became the worst version of himself.

In the year following his parents' split, Arthur felt like he was living in a blur. He had gone from being a happy, high-achieving young man to a shell of his former self. His grades dropped, his performances on the basketball court declined, and he became increasingly withdrawn. He felt like he was losing everything he had ever known and loved.

Arthur's parents did their best to keep him afloat, but it was clear that he was struggling. His mother, who had custody of him, tried to be there for him as much as she could, but she was overwhelmed with her own emotions and the challenges of living alone in a one-bedroom apartment. His father, who was still dealing with the aftermath of the divorce, was unable to provide the kind of support and encouragement that Arthur had come to rely on.

As the year wore on, Arthur's relationship with his siblings became strained. He saw them visiting their father and doing well in school, while he was struggling to keep his own life together. He felt like he was letting everyone down, and the guilt weighed heavily on him.

Eventually, Arthur hit rock bottom. He felt like he was alone in the world, with no one to turn to for help or support. He was on the verge of giving up, when a friend of his from school intervened. The friend encouraged him to seek professional help, and Arthur ultimately enrolled in counseling to help him address his emotional and psychological issues.

Although it was a long and difficult journey, Arthur gradually found his way back to himself. With the support of his counselor, his mother, and his friends, he began to rebuild his life and work towards becoming the person he wanted to be. It was a slow and humbling process, but Arthur was determined to keep pushing forward. And slowly but surely, he began to see results.

His grades began to improve, and he started putting more effort into his basketball training. He reconnected with his siblings and worked on rebuilding his relationships with them. And over time, he began to realize that he was not defined by his struggles or the divorce of his parents. He was able to find his own path and identity, one that was grounded in strength and resilience.

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