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Arthur snuck out of his bedroom window late at night, a bag packed with clothes and snacks in hand. He knew that his father would never approve of his relationship with Matthew, but he couldn't let that stand in the way of his happiness. He had always been the one to bend to his father's will, but now he was ready to stand up for himself and live the life he wanted to live.

He made his way to a secret spot in the woods where Matthew was waiting for him. They embraced each other in a warm hug, both filled with relief to see each other.

Arthur and Matthew talked for hours, catching up on everything that had happened since they last saw each other. As they sat on a fallen tree, staring at the stars above them, they began to feel a sense of peace.

They knew that their relationship wouldn't be easy, but they were ready to face whatever came their way, as long as they had each other. They talked about their dreams and plans for the future, about the life they wanted to build together.

As the sun began to rise, Arthur knew that he had to go back before his father discovered he was gone. But he was filled with a sense of determination that he had never felt before. He knew that he would not let his father's opinions stand in the way of his happiness, and he was ready to fight for the life he deserved.

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